DigitalWell Ventures starts partnership with Founder Institute Norway
DigitalWell Ventures is starting a partnership with Founder Institute. The collaboration is offering a greater roadmap for all startups – and creates an extended path
DigitalWell Ventures is starting a partnership with Founder Institute. The collaboration is offering a greater roadmap for all startups – and creates an extended path
Dugnad.ai erbjuder en digital plattform för att kartlägga, organisera och öka kraften i sociala nätverk. Tjänsten används just nu i ett norskt projekt för att
DigitalWell Ventures are building healthier startups in the healthtech sector. A new feature in the accelerator makes it possible to apply to be a co-founder,
A milestone has passed for DigitalWell Ventures. Today the first two start-ups – Ineq Solutions and StudyBee – graduated from the accelerator program. But really,
A lot of startups may have the right vision, the right team and the right product. Without skills to handle the financial design it can
One of the companies of DigitalWell Ventures accelerator have made a major breakthrough. Ineq Solutions digital toolbox for a safe school environment is now approved
Is it possible to use digital tools to relax in a connected world? In this special summer episode of The Be digital podcast we discuss
Drygt 20 medarbetare i Arvika kommun har under juni testat SunSense digitala tjänst för prevention av skadlig UV-strålning. Testet kan ge intressanta svar om både
Investor Breakfast Club on June 22 is focusing on SportsTech and the new megatrends of sports. Joining the event is former Norwegian star skier Lasse
Appen ”Closer to you” hjälper par att förbättra sin kommunikation med hjälp av artificiell intelligens. Nu söker DigitalWell Arena par som vill hjälpa till att
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Det regionala projektet DigitalWell finansieras av Europeiska Unionen – Europiska regionala utvecklingsfonden. Syftet med DigitalWell är att vi tillsammans ska utveckla digitala lösningar för behov inom välfärden med användarens egenförmåga i fokus.