Welcome to HealthTech 101: Everything you wanted to know about HealthTech but never dared to ask.
Join us for recurring half-hour lunch talks, where we invite friends from interesting organisations, to chat about healthtech. Curiosity is all the preparation you need.
This time we have invited Robert Magnusson, Unit Manager at Nordic Medtest, to talk about the dreaded valley of death of healthtech startups, and how to jump over it. In the process he will provide insight in how you can make better product decisions. All rooted in his vast experience in testing, quality approach and public sector screenings.
Nordic Medtest is a publicly owned test and development center, which makes sure Swedish public welfare services, as 1177, are safe and running smooth. They also perform audits of digital health innovations, where they test and validate factors as usability, interoperability, information security, laws and regulations. This is a service that provides transparency, which helps the public sector to feel safe to test new services.
Bring your curiosity and come share the knowledge of Nordic Medtest, to avoid the pitfalls of the startup world.

The Speaker
Robert Magnusson helped establish Nordic Medtest in 2013, as a Vinnova project focused on quality control in Swedish healthtech. He has held the role of Unit Manager since 2015 and has a long experience of working with testing. He enjoys the combination of his technical interest with the customers’ needs to find the best solution.
WHEN: Friday, 14 April 2023, kl. 12.15 – 12.45
WHERE: Online via Zoom, link is provided upon registration.
FOR WHO: Anyone curious about the world of healthtech.
Upcoming dates of DigitalWell HealthTech 101
- 28 April – Anna Holm Heide, No Isolation
Warm tech for inclusion - 12 May – Rickard Forsman, Geras Solutions
- 2 June – Niklas Schöning, Svensk Provtagning

Tetiana Siianko
Tech Entrepreneurship Manager
+46 (0)76 213 88 21