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    DigitalWell HealthTech 101: Alternative funding

    • 31 mars
    • 12:15
    • Online via Zoom
    Anmäl dig senast den 31/3

    Welcome to HealthTech 101: Everything you wanted to know about HealthTech but never dared to ask.

    Join us for recurring half-hour lunch talks, where we invite friends from interesting organisations, to chat about healthtech. Curiosity is all the preparation you need.

    This session is all about financing, and our guest speaker is Sofia Fernandes, Head of Business Development at Evolution, a company with 15 years of experience providing support to deep tech startups in their fundraising efforts. Their efforts have resulted in more than 700 successful projects, in over 17 different countries, where they have collaborated with companies and institutions to foster innovation and the development of new technologies and products.

    The Speaker

    Sofia is a seasoned business development leader with a passion for deep tech startups. She is currently the Head of Business Development of Evolution, co-founder of the MIT spin-off BGI deep tech accelerator in Portugal and serves on the Board of Advisors at the Católica Business School (Financial Times Top EU Business Schools). Sofia’s extensive experience includes roles as a manager and evaluator for EIC and EIT programs, as well as a Professor at Nova SBE.

    WHEN: Friday, 31 March 2023, kl. 12.15 – 12.45
    WHERE: Online via Zoom, link is provided upon registration.
    FOR WHO: Anyone curious about the world of healthtech.

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    Tetiana Siianko

    Tetiana Siianko

    Tech Entrepreneurship Manager
    +46 (0)76 213 88 21



    Det regionala projektet DigitalWell finansieras av Europeiska Unionen – Europiska regionala utvecklingsfonden. Syftet med DigitalWell är att vi tillsammans ska utveckla digitala lösningar för behov inom välfärden med användarens egenförmåga i fokus.