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    DigitalWell HealthTech 101: Work with public sector

    • 10 mars
    • 12:15
    • Online via Zoom
    Anmäl dig senast den 10/3

    Welcome to HealthTech 101: Everything you wanted to know about HealthTech but never dared to ask.

    Join us for recurring half-hour lunch talks, where we invite friends from interesting organisations, to chat about healthtech. Curiosity is all the preparation you need.

    First up is Maja Magnusson, Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Care to Translate. They developed a medical translation tool that helps break language barriers in healthcare, by enabling patients and healthcare professionals to communicate. The app translates from and to over 40 languages and has become a valuable tool in public healthcare. Care to Translate has amassed over 600.000 users globally since their start in 2018, and won the Data & Digital Technology category at DigitalWell Award 2022.

    The Speaker

    Maja Magnusson has a background in architecture and management consulting. She is a serial entrepreneur and since 2018 she has been part of building Care to Translate AB as Chief Operating Officer and co-founder, with a focus on developing digital translation tools for the healthcare sector. 

    WHEN: Friday, 10 March 2023, kl. 12.15 – 12.45
    WHERE: Online via Zoom, link is provided upon registration.
    FOR WHO: Anyone curious about the world of healthtech.
    REGISTRATION: Register to the event here.

    Upcoming dates of DigitalWell HealthTech 101

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    Tetiana Siianko

    Tetiana Siianko

    Tech Entrepreneurship Manager
    +46 (0)76 213 88 21



    Det regionala projektet DigitalWell finansieras av Europeiska Unionen – Europiska regionala utvecklingsfonden. Syftet med DigitalWell är att vi tillsammans ska utveckla digitala lösningar för behov inom välfärden med användarens egenförmåga i fokus.