anders.milde, Author at DigitalWell Arena | Page 6 of 21
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New teams must be trained in leading demand acceleration

Now more actors will gain knowledge in process management of public procurement through demand acceleration. DigitalWell Arena will train a handful of teams in the spring - where the goal is to scale up the use of the methodology. The basic assumption behind Demand Acceleration is that public procurement can be a tool to drive innovation. In the process, the public sector works... Continued

New steering group ready to take DigitalWell Arena forward

DigitalWell Arena's steering group has gained four new members. They provide an addition of cutting-edge expertise from both the business world, the innovation sphere and healthcare - which is of great importance when the work takes on an increasingly national and international character. The newly composed steering group met for the first time physically in Karlstad during the week to discuss how to take further steps both... Continued

Final exam for graduating startups of DigitalWell Ventures

At Demo Day all of the startups of DigitalWell Ventures pitched at PierX in Oslo. One last test in meeting real investors – before graduating from the accelerator and starting scaling their companies. One of DigititalWell Ventures' main tasks is to attract more investment to the health tech sector. But although profiled investors from Anchora … Continued

How users' experiences can develop digital health services

DigitalWell Arena has tested a new method for evaluating users' experience of new, digital health services. Knowledge that can be of great importance to the continued development. The first to test the methodology is Lumeno – an app for managing both the bright and dark moments of life. For many digital health services, a kind of catch 22 occurs. … Continued

First class of digitization leaders has graduated

During the autumn, participants from the one-year YH training course "Digitalisation leaders in the welfare sector" tested digital tools for real in their operations. This week, the first students gathered in Arvika for their examination. The training is anchored directly in the regular work and aims to increase knowledge of how digital health services, technology development and digitization can be used as enablers... Continued


DigitalWell Arena invites you, in collaboration with Compare, DigitalWell Ventures, Xplorico, member companies and partners to the Demo Day of startups that are about to graduate from the DigitalWell Ventures accelerator program. DigitalWell Ventures Demo Day is the perfect environment to enable the efficient matching of great ideas with the necessary capital and expertise. This … Continued

New meeting series gives insight into DigitalWell Arena

On October 4, DigitalWell Meet Up will premiere – a series of meetings where you can keep up to date about DigitalWell Arena. In an initial stage, six meetings are planned. The aim is to share information and knowledge about how DigitalWell Arena's operations, projects and activities develop, as well as what results and effects it contributes to. It… Continued

Inova prepares purchase of DigitalWell Ventures

The Inova Foundation is preparing a purchase of DigitalWell Arena's accelerator for health services. Yesterday, the first step was taken when Region Värmland's regional development committee was positive about the deal. DigitalWell Ventures is an accelerator for startups in digital health and welfare that was started by Stiftelsen Compare in 2020. The accelerator has quickly developed into one of the … Continued

Video: How demand acceleration works

What exactly is demand acceleration? In this video, you get a good summary of how the methodology can give public procurement the opportunity to drive innovation. Participants include Lina Svensberg, Innovation Manager at Compare and business manager for the DigitalWell GovTech Incubator, who led the work. We also meet several other key people from Karlstad Municipality - who in collaboration... Continued



The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.