Society faces major societal challenges linked to health. In order for more people to be able to live a healthier life, more people need access to innovative, digital health services and ways of working. The DigitalWell Award focuses on making visible and rewarding these solutions, and now the nomination period for this year's edition of the award has started.
There are many who work hard to enable changes that can contribute to increased health for the organization and individual. We want to celebrate and encourage them! With the award, solutions and initiatives are made visible, and those who receive the award are important representatives of the ecosystem around digital health innovation.
Skills development and networking part of the profit
In addition to attention and marketing, the award gives the winners the opportunity to participate in a recognized conference in digital health. The conference provides both competence development, monitoring of the environment, broadened network of contacts and exchange of experience.
To be nominated, you must have a digital solution or an initiative within one of the competition's four categories:
- Innovation ability through collaboration
- The participation of the individual
- Data and digital technology
- Service development and commercialization.

The path from nominee to winner
Until and including Monday, March 27, it is possible to nominate entries to the award. It can be both people and organizations that contribute to the health innovations of the future. After this, the competition organizer DigitalWell Arena appoints up to four candidates in each competition category.
DigitalWell Award 2023 will be the award's third year, and voting for the final candidates in each category will open on Tuesday, May 2.
The winners are chosen after an amalgamation of the points from the organizer's jury, also the steering group for DigitalWell Arena, and the public's votes. This year's winner will be presented live on June 1 at an event in Karlstad.