Virtual visit to Norway
Welcome to join a virtual visit hosted by the Estonian Investment Agency with focus on HealthTech, CleanTech and FinTech. Named 'the most advanced digital society
HOME / Project / Digitalwell / About DigitalWell / PROCESSES AND METHODS
Based on the service design methodology, we ensure user focus and sustainable solutions for the future. We handle both challenges from the public sector and new ideas from entrepreneurs.
We investigate that the needs and challenges are within the scope of what the project must handle. We then identify which actors need to contribute and make an assessment of the basic conditions for a successful process via a risk analysis.
We investigate that the ideas are within the scope of what the project must handle. We then identify how the idea can get part of the project's resources, depending on how far it has come
We start from the "Double diamond" method, which is a recognized method in service design. We immerse ourselves in the challenges based on the users' needs and together generate solutions based on them.
We define the needs of the user and create deeper insights to develop solutions that create value for the user. We do this with, among other things, interviews, workshops and observations.
The focus is on finding solutions to the need. By securing the picture of needs after the first diamond, we can start generating ideas that will land in a useful concept.
This part takes over where the concept is established and we are ready to start developing prototypes. We continue to have the user in focus throughout the process. Here it also becomes important to verify the requirements from both a production and market perspective in order to avoid the innovation gap, and thereby increase the possibilities for a successful implementation and commercialization of the product/service.
Welcome to join a virtual visit hosted by the Estonian Investment Agency with focus on HealthTech, CleanTech and FinTech. Named 'the most advanced digital society
"Digital Health, Wellbeing and Smart Specialisation" On 18 November, a webinar on digital health and smart specialization will be arranged by AER, Assembly of European Regions. Speaker
Do you have ideas about how we can make safety-creating digital technology more accessible to our elderly? Do you work for a company or are you an entrepreneur?
If you have questions, input or you are you interested in joining.
The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.