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Demand Acceleration is a framework for how the public sector can drive innovation and transformation through public procurement as a tool, by increasing the demand for sustainable solutions.
Demand Acceleration Community is an open learning network for public sector stakeholders and intermediaries interested in jointly exploring how public procurement can drive innovation and transformation. We meet every third Friday morning to discuss and exchange experiences, using the Demand Acceleration framework as a foundation.
Our community is characterized by openness, and we believe in balancing competition and collaboration. We share useful materials, such as presentations, process documents, and procurement templates, with each other, and materials created by members of the community are generally licensed under Creative Commons.
To stimulate innovation and transformation, it is not enough to invest in new technology, i.e., increasing supply. For new technology to be adopted and create value, there must also be an increase in demand for new sustainable solutions across society. Innovation is not only limited by supply but also by demand.
Demand Acceleration is a framework for how the public sector can drive innovation and transformation through public procurement as a tool, by increasing the demand for sustainable solutions.
Public procurement in Sweden alone amounts to over 800 billion SEK annually. If just one percent of that could be used to drive innovation and transformation, it would be more than double the entire current budget of Vinnova.
Government agencies
Demand Acceleration is a framework that consists of four core values and four guiding principles.
Here you will find our handbooks, which provide a more in-depth explanation of how the framework can be applied in practice. Additionally, there is a shorter version that serves as a foundation for understanding Demand Acceleration from a policy perspective.
Publicerad 10 februari 2025
How can we unlock the power of public sector demand to drive transformation? Or, in other words, how do we awaken "the sleeping giant of innovation policy"? In this paper, Lina Svensberg and Kjell Håkan Närfelt introduce a new perspective on innovation procurement and share key insights from experimenting with this perspective in practice.
Download white paperPublicerad 24 juni 2024
During the first half of 2024, the municipality of Karlstad, together with Compare and other partners, conducted a feasibility study to explore the technical aspects of whether Artificial Intelligence (AI), Large Language Models (LLM), Machine Learning (ML), and, in particular, knowledge graphs can offer new approaches for effective knowledge management.
Ladda ner förstudierapporten (english version available)Publicerad 18 juni 2024
Helsingborgs stad, RecoLab och Stiftelsen Compare har genom finansiering av Vinnova gjort en förstudie där man utforskat hur man kan stimulera cirkularitet av avloppsvatten som resurs och efterfrågan som drivkraft i ett värdenätverk där både offentliga och privata aktörer ingår.
Ladda ner förstudierapportenPublicerad 13 maj 2024
En förstudie finaniserad av Vinnova har genomfört under i syfte att utforska hur systemgemensamma utvecklingstillgångar kan organiseras och förvaltas för att möta komplexa samhällsutmaningar och stödja en hållbar transformation i enlighet med Agenda 2030.
Ladda ner sammanfattande slutrapportenPresenterad på EU-SPRI 7 juni 2024
In this paper, we tested the proposition that incorporation of a venture logic into the public procurement process could increase the chances of uptake beyond the initial customer, and thereby increase the potential of IEP for transformative innovation.
Ladda ner papperKarlstads kommun utgår från behoven och låter marknaden hitta lösningarna inom äldreomsorgen
DigitalWell Arena and Compare, with Jonas Matthing and Lina Svensberg from Compare (Swe)
Publicerad 31 januari 2023
Services: Process management, education, strategy, and business development
Services: Process management, education
Services: Process management, education, coaching, strategy
Services: Legal counsel, procurement consultation
Services: Legal counsel, process management, education, procurement consultation
Services: Process management
Services: Process management
Services: Process management
Services: Process management
If you have questions, input or you are you interested in joining.
The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.