anders.milde, Author at DigitalWell Arena | Page 5 of 21
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    Exams when accelerator companies met investors in Oslo

    Förra veckan innebar examen för bolagen i DigitalWell Ventures, som är DigitalWell Arenas accelerator inom healttech. Sju bolag från Sverige, Norge och Finland har gått det 12 veckor långa accelerator-programmet, och under ”Demo Day” gavs de möjligheten att presentera sina affärsidéer för utvalda investerare i centrala Oslo. Syftet med de avslutande pitcherna i Oslo är … Continued

    Great interest in quality assurance of health apps at Vitalis

    For three days, DigitalWell Arena participated in Vitalis - the Nordic region's leading event on eHealth and the future of care and care. This time with a question on many people's lips: How can we quality-assure health apps? For three days, DigitalWell Arena participated in Vitalis - the Nordic region's leading event on eHealth and the future of care and care. This … Continued

    New teams bring Demand Acceleration national expansion

    Eight teams are participating in an effort to spread the Demand Acceleration methodology nationally. Helsingborg is also in the starting pits for a sharp procurement, and is looking for innovative solutions that can radically reduce the city's emissions. The Demand Acceleration methodology has been developed within the DigitalWell Arena. It combines public procurement with innovation. In concrete terms, innovation work is procured, not finished products and... Continued

    Karlstad is looking for a digital service that increases the city's accessibility

    Karlstad is preparing a second procurement with the support of Demand Acceleration. This time the goal is to create a service that opens up the city's offer to more people. The municipality of Karlstad is investigating the possibility of procuring a digital service that can make people with cognitive challenges to a greater extent, independently take part in the city's offer. For example, it can… Continued

    DigitalWell Meet up

    There is a lot going on within DigitalWell Arena and there are many questions from organizations and individuals in Värmland and Sweden about what we do, how to participate and how to contribute and influence. DigitalWell Meet Up is a digital meeting forum that answers that. DigitalWell Arena invests in digital health innovation... Continued


    How can the public sector drive innovation and growth? The municipality of Karlstad is driving an exciting development journey around innovation and digitization where data, and the ability to convert data into new or improved solutions, is central. IoT Sweden together with Karlstad municipality and DigitalWell Arena invite you to a webinar about innovation and digitization. You get to take part… Continued

    Demand Acceleration tool to promote climate solutions

    The potential for Demand Acceleration is being tested in one of the fateful issues of our time: the climate crisis. In collaboration with, among others, WWF Sweden and Ignite Sweden, the goal is to provide the public sector with new procurement methods and tools to reduce its climate footprint. The Demand Acceleration methodology has been developed in the DigitalWell Arena and is based on the fact that public procurement can drive innovation. Basically … Continued

    Business relations for innovation common question in un-habitat forum

    Lina Svensberg, Innovation Manager in DigitalWell Arena, participated today in a round table discussion in UN-Habitat. A recurring theme was how public actors and innovative companies can meet in a business sense around sustainability issues. Un-Habitat is the UN's agency for the work of creating sustainable development and good living conditions in the world's cities. A starting point for the discussions was, among other things, Climate Smart... Continued

    VR service spread in public sector after unique procurement

    A VR service to train healthcare professionals is now being rolled out across the country. The service is the very first to be developed through Demand Acceleration, a completely new procurement methodology. By testing a new procurement methodology, Karlstad Municipality wanted to create a better solution for training healthcare personnel in handling challenging situations. The aim was to increase understanding for customers with cognitive... Continued

    Kickoff for several new initiatives within Demand Acceleration

    This week was the kickoff for several new initiatives linked to Demand Acceleration. It is both about spreading knowledge about the methodology and trying it out in completely new areas. An important partner in the work to spread and develop the methodology is Ignite Sweden, which contributes with experience and tools for matching between... Continued



    The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.