Now more actors will gain knowledge in process management of public procurement through demand acceleration. DigitalWell Arena will train a handful of teams in the spring - where the goal is to scale up the use of the methodology.
The basic assumption behind Demand Acceleration is that public procurement can be a tool to drive innovation. In the process, the public sector works together with innovative companies to develop services that solve unsolved needs, with the goal that the solutions should both meet the needs of users and be scaled up in a market. In practice, an innovation project is procured – not a finished product or service. The public sector gets the right to use the product or service that is the result of the innovation work.
First procurement by Karlstad municipality
The municipality of Karlstad has been both a project partner and customer when the methodology was tested in practice for the first time. From the turn of the year, Karlstad began using a completely new VR tool, which trains health and social care personnel in how to deal with users with dementia and other forms of cognitive impairment.
In the process, a total of seven different companies were procured and contributed, before Virotea was awarded the contract to develop the final service.
Scalability of services central principle
A guiding principle for demand acceleration is based on scalability. This means that the services and products that are developed must have a market potential and can be spread further to other customers.
A handful of intermediaries will now be trained by the DigitalWell Arena team in how to manage processes according to the methodology. The purpose is to enable an economically sustainable scaling, so that more procurements can be carried out according to the Demand Acceleration methodology.
- We want to live as we learn and explore whether it is possible to get others to use the methodology. We will train in the basic principles and analysis behind the way of working, and how to create the conditions to translate them into practical work, says Neshe Tuna, who leads the DigitalWell Demand Accelerator's training effort.

Neshe Tuna and Lina Svensberg look forward to spreading knowledge about demand acceleration to new players, who can also create new insights.
The initiative "Train the trainer" is financed by Vinnova. The teams participating in the training will be drawn from different innovation environments, and several stakeholders have already contacted and expressed interest in learning how to manage processes according to the methodology.
In several cases, there are also public businesses that want to test the methodology, together with their local innovation environment, and in those cases you can form a joint team, with both process manager and potential need owner, to learn the process together.
Want to gain experience from more cases
The fact that the principles of demand acceleration have so far only been tested once represents a great opportunity for the teams participating in the training to develop the methodology, believes Lina Svensberg, Process Manager for DigitalWell Demand Accelerator:
- Since there is only one procurement, the analysis easily becomes dependent on it, and we do not want to completely copy the process from the first case. This a way to work further with the analysis and how we conceptualize it. I am very curious and interested in what the interaction with other teams can bring.
- Here you can read more about Demand Acceleration
- Are you interested in participating in the venture?
Contact Lina Svensberg or Neshe Tuna