DigitalWell Arena's steering group has gained four new members. They provide an addition of cutting-edge expertise from both the business world, the innovation sphere and healthcare - which is of great importance when the work takes on an increasingly national and international character.
The newly composed steering group met for the first time physically in Karlstad during the week to discuss how to take further steps both in a national and international context.
- There were very fruitful discussions. Among other things, we talked a lot about how we can organize the work to create increased power in our investments in health innovation, says Marie Granander, project manager for DigitalWell Arena.
Provides strong anchoring in various sectors
She believes that the steering group's competence and perspective make it well equipped to contribute in the best way to driving and prioritizing key issues for the continued work.
- The composition of the steering group also reflects the composition of DigitalWell Arena's actors, as the members represent both the public and private sectors, research and innovation, industry and start-ups, says Marie Granander.
Investments that increase maturity in the public sector
For four years, DigitalWell Arena has taken a position with expectations of achieving impact both nationally and internationally. The training initiatives "Level Up" and "Digitalization leaders in welfare" are examples at a national level that contribute to strengthening digital maturity and competence around health innovation in the public sector.
Taking steps out into Europe
From the turn of the year, work also begins in Health Data Sweden (HDS), one of the EU's digital innovation hubs, where DigitalWell Arena is one of 17 partners. The association is led by KTH and will contribute to accelerating the use of health data for more efficient health care.
- I think that DigitalWell Arena has reached out within Sweden's borders and shown that it is a facilitator that can achieve things. I believe that there is every opportunity to do it also in an international arena, where the digital innovation hub is an example, says Lisa Ericsson, CEO of KTH Innovation, and one of the new members of DigitalWell Arena's steering group.

Parts of the new steering group together with DigitalWell Arena's process management and responsible for various activities and initiatives.
While the new steering group members add a national and international dimension, there is still a strong regional anchoring through existing representatives from Karlstad Municipality, Karlstad University and Region Värmland.
- We bring in new perspectives but at the same time retain the regional expertise and cutting edge, which provides continuity and continued drive around the key issues we have already established, says Marie Granander.
New steering group members:
- Lisa Ericsson, CEO KTH Innovation
- Stina Lantz, Operations Manager/Vice CEO SISP/Ignite
- Björn Hansell, doctor and entrepreneur, Head of Patient Services at Better Therapeutics
- Catarina Berglund, process manager Automation Region
Steering group members who continue their duties:
- Fredrik Svensson, RedpillLinpro AB and chairman of the coordinator Stiftelsen Compare
- Gunilla Öberg, director of care and social care, Karlstad municipality
- Håkan Spjuth, head of department GIO, Karlstad University
- A new steering committee member from Region Värmland, who replaces Lena Gjevert, will be announced shortly

Both existing and new steering group members met in Karlstad. From left: Lisa Ericsson, Stina Lantz, Catarina Berglund, Fredrik Svensson and Håkan Spjuth. In the background, Magnus Bårdén, Managing Director of Compare and DigitalWell Arena.