DigitalWell Arena invites you, in collaboration with Compare, DigitalWell Ventures, Xplorico, member companies and partners to the Demo Day of startups that are about to graduate from the DigitalWell Ventures accelerator program.

DigitalWell Ventures Demo Day is the perfect environment to enable the efficient matching of great ideas with the necessary capital and expertise. This time you will have the chance to experience all of this physically or digitally. A physical breakfast with real investors and real food from Pier X, Bryggegata 3 in central Oslo, Norway. It will also be broadcast to an international audience, investors, VCs and verified Angel Investors.
Eight born-global HealthTech startups/scaleups from across Norway & Sweden are about to graduate from the DigitalWell Ventures accelerator program. The Startups & Scaleups have been selected to graduate based on the strength of the team, execution and traction, and their growth potential.
WHEN: Thursday 8 December, 16.00
WERE: Pier X in Oslo and online