
Mentors and Partners

DigitalWell GovTech is a nonprofit collaborative incubator that brings together public sector, entrepreneurs, businesses and citizens who want to test new ideas and solutions for a more sustainable society.

We believe that if we test startup solutions early, we will save municipalities from cold calls and unnecessary pitches without a clear understanding of the users’ needs. We want to build relationships with the public sector for solving mutual challenges as well as business who could help startups to succeed.

If you work within public sector and:

If you work in the business sector and:

Join the program as a mentor!

Our Partners

If you are interested in becoming a partner or sponsor, please feel free to contact us.



Det regionala projektet DigitalWell finansieras av Europeiska Unionen – Europiska regionala utvecklingsfonden. Syftet med DigitalWell är att vi tillsammans ska utveckla digitala lösningar för behov inom välfärden med användarens egenförmåga i fokus.