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    Health Innovation of Sweden can become one of Europe's digital innovation hubs

    DigitalWell Arena is moving forward with plans to become part of a European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH). Together with four other regional innovation hubs, Linnaeus University and RISE, an application has been sent to Vinnova. The association goes by the name Health Innovation of Sweden. There is a wide geographical spread among the digital innovation hub's parties. From Blekinge Digital Health in... Continued

    Can Värmskog become a model for digital health in rural areas?

    Can Värmskog become a test environment and model for digital health services - and if so, which ones? That was the main question when DigitalWell Arena gathered for a workshop to probe the conditions. The residents of Värmskog have themselves set the game plan by showing a great commitment to making their home village a viable, connected and attractive place to... Continued

    Innovative thinking that gives the public sector time for innovation

    The strategic development work in many public businesses has had to be put on hold during the Corona pandemic. At the same time, digital services have had an impact. Now DigitalWell and DigitalWell Arena offer an education for new thinking and innovation, where through collaboration you can benefit from the rapid development of technology. Challenges such as globalization and urbanization still need to be addressed in the construction of… Continued

    Knowledge from Silicon Valley foundation for new accelerator

    Two of Compare's employees, Stefan Skoglund and Lina Svensberg, have been accepted to the Founder Institute's VC Lab program. The cutting-edge knowledge from perhaps the world's sharpest company builders can become the basis for a high-quality accelerator in Värmland, which builds successful companies in digital health. The Founder Institute, based in Silicon Valley, is the world's largest "pre seed startup accelerator". Since 2009… Continued

    Värmskog can become a model for digiphysical health in rural areas

    In Värmskog there is a tradition among the locals to do it themselves. It has resulted in everything from the construction of a sports hall to a fiber network and a service point where you can eventually shop around the clock. The possibilities of testing new health services for rural needs are now being investigated in collaboration with DigitalWell Arena. Värmskog is in many ways the opposite of the … Continued

    DigitalWell Arena wants to become one of the EU's innovation hubs

    DigitalWell Arena has submitted an expression of interest to become an EDIH, European Digital Innovation Hub. Excellence in cyber security linked to innovation of health services is the main argument for Karlstad and Värmland to be an important part of an EDIH. The investment in European Digital Innovation Hubs is part of the EU's Digital Europe programme. The aim is to… Continued

    Decision on initial support for innovation in the corona crisis

    DigitalWell Arena has decided to distribute the first grants from the two million allocated to innovation in the corona crisis. One of the innovations is a digital homework aid and the other is aimed at preventing suicide. So far, close to 20 applications for support have been received, and DigitalWell Arena's Innovation Council meets every week to continuously be able to... Continued

    Develop digital "Feed without Fear" with us!

    Together with the author Susanna Heli, DigitalWell Arena is working on developing an app based on the book "Föda uttan Rädsla". The application should offer tools for early labor at home. What tools do you as a partner wish you had had before the early labor stage? Which tools/functions did you, as a new parent, wish you had... Continued

    Data-driven project to prevent chronic diseases

    Together with the Rinaldo project, DigitalWell Arena has applied to run a two-year investment aimed at preventive, digital care. The aim is to try to prevent or reduce the burden of chronic diseases at an early stage by collecting data at the individual level. Behind the application to Vinnova's program for challenge-driven innovation is Region Västerbotten within the framework of the Rinaldo project, where DigitalWell... Continued

    Grums can become a center for preventive care efforts

    DigitalWell Arena participated in a first workshop together with Grums municipality, Region Värmland and Capio. The aim is to investigate opportunities to develop the health center of the future in order to collaborate more preventively around health. The workshop was led by Capio, who today runs a health center in Grums. The initiative has been started when Grums has expressed a need to find new solutions... Continued



    The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.