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DigitalWell Award 2023

We meet to celebrate and select the winners of the DigitalWell Award 2023, the competition where we highlight people and initiatives that contribute to the development of the health innovations of the future.

Meet the accelerator team – Q&A

Do you want to know more about our health and welfare tech accelerator?

Attend our digital event on June 14 to learn all about our next accelerator program starting in September 2022.

DigitalWell Award 2022

We meet to celebrate and at the same time select the winners of the DigitalWell Award 2022. The competition where we highlight people and initiatives that contribute to the development of the health innovations of the future.

Health Data Sweden will increase the power of health data

DigitalWell Arena is part of a Swedish effort to create a European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH). The aim is to accelerate the use of digital technology that can improve people's health. The Health Data Sweden initiative houses both cutting-edge research on health data and a national network for services and knowledge transfer to business and the public sector. Health Data Sweden... Continued

She sees testing as an engine for digital innovation

She has previously contributed to increasing the safety of Volvo cars - now Elin Fouganthine wants to support the public sector in exploiting the potential of digital health and welfare technology: "It gives me drive and commitment, because it affects so many. In the end, it's about people feeling good.” Elin Fouganthine has been new since September... Continued



The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.