Dialogmakarna Archives | DigitalWell Arena
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    Digital breakfast meeting for new thinking

    Now – more than before – public activities need to open up and collaborate for new thinking and innovation. Start the autumn with new clothes! On September 3, we invite you to a digital breakfast meeting, you are welcome to be inspired! MAKE ROOM FOR NEW THINKING AND INNOVATION Municipalities and regions have been hit hard by the pandemic. With increased care needs and care debts, … Continued

    Education: Make room for new thinking

    Gather your teams! In a crisis situation, much of our focus is on solving urgent tasks and we act based on established patterns. Now – more than before – public activities need to open up and cooperate for new thinking and innovation in the implementation from need to function. DigitalWell Arena, the project DigitalWell and Compare together with Dialogmakarna invite you to the training Make room for... Continued



    The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.