Nerea Garcia, Author at DigitalWell Arena | Page 8 of 10
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    Compare lunch: Emerging tech

    What is happening within the Norwegian and Swedish startup scene? Which technology has the greatest future potential right now and what differentiates the Norwegian startup scene from the Swedish one? What should you consider when you want to attract investors to your startup or to scale up your existing business? Meet David Holm Glad, Company Builder, at Norwegian-Swedish Xplorico at... Continued

    TechTalk: Human augmentation & robotics

    BUSINESS'S BEST FRIEND? End of season and spring, albeit a strange one. It's time for our last TechTalk in a different season. The end of the season is presented in collaboration with IUC Stål & Verkstad and is about what could possibly be companies' best friend – robots! IUC talks about Robotlyftet, which works to help small and medium-sized industrial companies with automation... Continued

    TechTalk: Experience shopping

    Let smart technology do the work There are many ways to influence the customer's experience, a part of the customer journey that easily gets less attention is the transaction itself. How can smart technology be used to improve the payment experience for the customer? What does the term experience shopping mean and how can you work with it? Can you make the payment experience pleasant for… Continued

    TechTalk: The battle for screen time

    The battle for screen time – how do we create safe children online? Henrik Pallin guides us in this week's TechTalk. How does the online situation look like today? Which apps do children use and what do their online behaviors and habits look like? Henrik talks and talks about the current state of research regarding young people and the internet in general and screen time linked to... Continued

    TechTalk: This year's digital welfare innovation

    The award for Digital Welfare Innovation of the Year has not been awarded due to the corona crisis - but there was certainly no shortage of competent candidates. In this week's TechTalk, you get to listen to the innovators behind the three final entries. The range of finalists covers innovations that involve the whole of society. From Stepler's app for everyday exercise, to BuhoBox tools for safer schooling and RedPill... Continued

    TechTalk: FemTech

    From frustration to startup A market whose value is estimated to be over 50 billion dollars by 2025, targeting half of the world's population. Do you know about FemTech? In the autumn of 2019, Tilly was founded, born out of the frustration that it is not always so easy to have children. Anna and Jenny Ann started from their experiences... Continued

    TechTalk: WoodTech

    Forests, innovation and digitalisation The fact that forests are an important resource in Värmland does not need to be argued about, but how do forests go together with innovation and digitalisation? Perhaps we will find the next big innovation via the competition What wood you do? This week we have visits from Paper Province and The Wood Region. Sprung from the Värmland forest and … Continued

    TechTalk: Internet of Things

    Gadgets that talk to each other Internet of Things, IoT or the Internet of Things. Hardly anyone has missed the term, but what does it mean? In the forests of Värmland, or Arvika to be more precise, state-of-the-art work is underway at Scaaler IOT Labs. Here they focus on sustainable innovation within the Internet of Things, briefly explained a network of gadgets that… Continued

    TechTalk: Untapped Digital Potential [Live Stream]

    Untapped digital potential In a time when many are forced to work more digitally than ever, Johan Andersson, Soleil, guides us through how we can maximize the potential of our digital workplaces. Within many organizations, the digital workplace is primarily used for one-way communication. Dialogue takes place through physical meetings, despite the fact that many have access to the technology required for a... Continued

    Digital First: Big Data

    Virtual conference on big data Due to the current circumstances with the coronavirus, Oslo Big Data Day has been moved to June 16. On the original date, March 18, a free, smaller, virtual conference instead replaces it. This is open to participants from all over the world. During the conference, you can see some selected speakers from Oslo Big Data Day. Read more … Continued



    The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.