Nerea Garcia, Author at DigitalWell Arena | Page 7 of 10
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    Digital breakfast meeting about financing

    IN NEED OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT? Are you and your company facing new challenges in the times we are in, a need to think new and rethink, or are you sitting on an innovative business idea you would like to develop? It's time to sort out the possibilities. Are you curious about how you can get financial help... Continued

    Park Annual by Sahlgrenska Science Park 2020

    We are turning up the volume, not only to celebrate the 15th anniversary, but to inspire you with thought-provoking presentations, unexpected angles, future trends and pioneering ideas. On top of that – we are going virtual. Sharing knowledge and perspectives have never been more important. Meet leading scientists, entrepreneurs and innovation experts at Park Annual … Continued

    Digital breakfast meeting for new thinking

    Now – more than before – public activities need to open up and collaborate for new thinking and innovation. Start the autumn with new clothes! On September 3, we invite you to a digital breakfast meeting, you are welcome to be inspired! MAKE ROOM FOR NEW THINKING AND INNOVATION Municipalities and regions have been hit hard by the pandemic. With increased care needs and care debts, … Continued

    Service Convention Sweden 2020

    A congress focused on welfare services We bring together the public sector, academia and business to focus together on how we can solve some of our most important societal challenges with the help of new digital solutions, business models and ways of working. Increased globalization, demands for efficiency and digitization challenge existing structures in today's society and create new conditions for developing... Continued


    Going from doing CPR to planning events is an industry change called duga. How do you find meaning in a profession that, by many, is seen as a lost cause? What good do events really do? Just over five years ago, adrenaline rushes and saving the life of man's best friend were part of my everyday life. It was easy to explain what… Continued

    Education: Make room for new thinking

    Gather your teams! In a crisis situation, much of our focus is on solving urgent tasks and we act based on established patterns. Now – more than before – public activities need to open up and cooperate for new thinking and innovation in the implementation from need to function. DigitalWell Arena, the project DigitalWell and Compare together with Dialogmakarna invite you to the training Make room for... Continued

    Compare lunch: Sustainable innovation

    In a rapidly changing world, we need methods that help us navigate and deliver long-term results. A warm welcome to the autumn's first Compare lunch. It is high time to test new working methods for innovation and new tools to create sustainable business models. This is an invitation to let sustainability move from… Continued

    TechTalk Värmland: Autumn 2020

    Period: 22 September – 8 December NEW THEME EVERY WEEK Every Tuesday we gather digitally to be introduced to a new topic by interesting speakers. After the draw, we discuss how this week's theme can affect us in our lives and organizations. All over a nice, digital, lunch. Themes are released week by week. Welcome! TECHTALK VÄRMLAND TechTalk … Continued

    Education: Sustainable innovation

    Aim ahead! Rarely has it been so clear that we live in a changing world. It is high time to test new methods of innovation and new tools to create sustainable business models and ways of working. In a rapidly changing world, we need to find new ways of working and methods that help us navigate, create new business... Continued



    The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.