Nerea Garcia, Author at DigitalWell Arena | Page 10 of 10
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    TechTalk: Prototyping

    DO FIRST, THINK THEN"Prototyping is testing ideas by building simple solutions and thereby learning to understand both problem and solution. Prototyping as a method helps you go from good to world class," says Patrick Standfast. A prototype is often seen as a first copy of a finished solution. However, the idea of prototyping is to… Continued

    TechTalk: Robotic marketing

    ROBOTIC, INBOUND AND OUTSTANDING Advertising was long synonymous with attracting customers' attention. Today, we are constantly surrounded by so much information that our brains filter out the majority as noise. To succeed in your marketing, you need to follow the development, and to meet the customer on his terms by listening... Continued

    TechTalk: The media market of the future

    There is no doubt that digitization affects all industries, including the media industry. Does it stop at digital newspaper editions or are the media also getting smarter? Sara Novak takes us through the media industry, its digital transformation and where we are all going during this week's TechTalk. Sara Novak is vice president of NWT Gruppen AB and is responsible for... Continued

    TechTalk: Health gamification

    Why, and how, do you work with gamification as a strategy to lift taboo and difficult topics in a pressured healthcare environment? Ingrid Kihlsten, public health strategist in sexual, reproductive health and rights at Region Värmland, talks about the new knowledge game Sexkampen. You also get to try out part of the game concept on site. Digital solutions create new opportunities... Continued

    Compare lunch: Blockchain as a healthcare option?

    Blockchain: cryptocurrencies or healthcare opportunity? At the autumn's first Compare lunch, we are visited by Tove Andersson, founder of Scandinavia's largest network of crypto-women and non-binary, who welcomes us into the Blockchain world. Tove explains what blockchain is used for today and what opportunities exist for companies and organizations. How, for example, in healthcare, can technology be used to... Continued

    DigitalWell Break-In

    FINAL DAY OF INNOVATION WEEK 2019 Welcome to DigitalWell's open innovation environment. In a creative and welcoming environment, creativity is tickled and unexpected contacts move us forward. Here, a meeting place is created for entrepreneurs and companies, public activities, academia and civil society. The finale of Innovation Week takes place at Karlstad Innovation Park and starts with breakfast and trend scouting. We move down into… Continued

    Analog innovation tunnel

    This is how we created an analog innovation tunnel How do you show the public how DigitalWell works, when it largely consists of processes and methods? We wanted, and needed, to flesh out the project. We were looking forward to our participation at Mitt Europa, where we had been invited by the municipality of Karlstad to show our EU-funded project DigitalWell. My Europe aims to… Continued



    The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.