anders.milde, Author at DigitalWell Arena | Page 8 of 21
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    Web TV interview focusing on demand acceleration

    In the latest episode of GovTech Sweden's web TV magazine, Liza-Maria Norlin meets Lina Svensberg and Ann-Sophie Gustafsson, who tell us more about DigitalWell Arena's aftermarket accelerator. Among other things, the program provides a deeper explanation of the ideas behind the concept. The starting point is that some of the huge sums spent on public procurement can become a driving force... Continued

    Masano Health breaks new ground for digital rehab

    DigitalWell Ventures accelerator startup Masano Health is the first Swedish caregiver to offer digital rehab as a complete solution. Their unique concept has also been given the opportunity to influence the health care system by Swedish Innovation authority Vinnova. When Corona struck, Masano Health saw an opportunity to develop a holistic digitalized rehab solution, based … Continued

    Startups create common solution for remote healthcare

    HealthGoing is a startup that conveys quality-assured information and advice on nutrition, health and exercise. Via DigitalWell Innovationssupport, the company has now quality assured its digital platform - and started a completely new investment in wellness in working life. The idea for HealthGoing was born when founder Felicia Provender studied sports science at Karlstad University. Myths, fallacies and consumer challenges to... Continued

    DigitalWell Arena hosts international conference on AI in healthcare

    AI is perhaps the technology that offers the greatest hope for more efficient and more individual-based care. At the same time, the ethical aspects contain major challenges. Both perspectives were highly present when DigitalWell Arena hosted the topic at one of Norway's largest AI conferences. AIM North 2022 is one of Norway's largest AI events. The conference is… Continued

    Three companies are allowed to continue prototype work in the demand accelerator

    Another step has been taken to create a digital service that increases healthcare's understanding of cognitive impairment. In collaboration with DigitalWell Arena's demand accelerator, Karlstad municipality has now procured three companies that will create prototypes for a potential solution. Initially, seven companies were procured to participate in the innovation process, which in itself is unique for a... Continued

    DigitalWell Arena hosts healthcare track at AI symposium

    DigitalWell Arena is hosting a track covering AI in healthcare at AIM North Symposium 2022 in Oslo on April 6th. DigitalWell Ventures is also launching a demo day at the event – giving their accelerator companies access to a key part of the ecosystem. AIM North is Norway's biggest live community for stakeholders interested in … Continued

    Health Data Sweden will increase the power of health data

    DigitalWell Arena is part of a Swedish effort to create a European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH). The aim is to accelerate the use of digital technology that can improve people's health. The Health Data Sweden initiative houses both cutting-edge research on health data and a national network for services and knowledge transfer to business and the public sector. Health Data Sweden... Continued

    Digital tutor service provides new data for the school's health promotion work

    Allbry (formerly Snaptive) has created a digital tutoring service that meets students on their terms in the mobile phone. The curator platform also provides completely new opportunities for schools to collect data and catch problems in time. Through the collaboration with DigitalWell Ventures, Allbry hopes to get more municipalities to open the door to a new way of working. Many people probably remember the door to... Continued



    The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.