anders.milde, Author at DigitalWell Arena | Page 16 of 21
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    Service Convention: This is how we shape the welfare services of the future

    Collaboration, data and service design are examples of what Service Convention Sweden 2020 is about. The congress brings together the public sector, academia and business to focus on how we can solve important societal challenges with the help of new digital solutions, business models and ways of working. This is the fifth edition of Service Convention Sweden. DigitalWell Arena are new co-organizers and... Continued

    Compare lunch: Interview with Vinnova's CEO

    Innovation power in Sweden and Värmland Welcome to the last Compare lunch of the year when we have a visit from Darja Isaksson, director general at the Swedish Innovation Authority Vinnova. Sweden ranks second in the world for innovation. In what way does business play an active role and why is innovation in the public sector crucial to the challenges we face? When the risks are high... Continued

    Scotland and Värmland share experiences on digital health and smart specialization

    "Digital Health, Wellbeing and Smart Specialisation" On 18 November, a webinar on digital health and smart specialization will be arranged by AER, Assembly of European Regions. Speakers from Värmland and Scotland share their experiences - among other things, Magnus Bårdén, managing director of DigitalWell Aerna, talks about how to build an ecosystem that leads to... Continued

    Stepler winner of the digital welfare innovation of the year

    Stepler is the winner of Compare's and DigitalWell's "Digital Welfare Innovation of the Year" award. Already today, their app contributes to Swedish users taking a billion steps per day - now the company is aiming for an international market. The 100 Degrees Karlstad gala was cancelled. Instead, Stepler was surprised by Johan Östling and Björn Ling, who presented the award... Continued

    Digital workshop: safety-creating digital solutions

    Do you have ideas about how we can make safety-creating digital technology more accessible to our elderly? Do you work for a company or are you an entrepreneur with knowledge and interest in the possibilities of digitization? Maybe you work in healthcare or study in one of these areas? We would like to share your thoughts and your… Continued

    Lecture became a digital and global service after Corona

    Ninni Länsberg lectures on stress and ill health at work. When Corona stopped physical meetings, she switched to a digital message for a global market - aimed at those fighting the pandemic. The film has already received over 60,000 views in India. Ninni Länsberg works as a behavioral scientist and has for over 15 years worked towards... Continued

    Psykbryt invests 500 million in strengthening the mental health of children and young people

    In the campaign "Psykbryt" the Allmänna arvsfonden wants to support projects that counteract mental illness in children and young people. There is a total of SEK 500 million in the call, which is aimed at non-profit organizations and non-profit associations. The projects that are granted funds must be innovative and empower children and young people. For example, it can be about countering bullying, loneliness and... Continued

    The call is looking for market-leading innovations for better health

    Swelife and Medtech4Health are looking for innovations that provide better health and more efficient care in the call "Collaboration for better health - autumn 2020". They look for products and services that are significantly better than what is already on the market. The call "Collaboration for better health - autumn 2020" wants to create innovation in collaboration. The projects must therefore contain... Continued

    Health Innovation of Sweden can become one of Europe's digital innovation hubs

    DigitalWell Arena is moving forward with plans to become part of a European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH). Together with four other regional innovation hubs, Linnaeus University and RISE, an application has been sent to Vinnova. The association goes by the name Health Innovation of Sweden. There is a wide geographical spread among the digital innovation hub's parties. From Blekinge Digital Health in... Continued

    Can Värmskog become a model for digital health in rural areas?

    Can Värmskog become a test environment and model for digital health services - and if so, which ones? That was the main question when DigitalWell Arena gathered for a workshop to probe the conditions. The residents of Värmskog have themselves set the game plan by showing a great commitment to making their home village a viable, connected and attractive place to... Continued



    The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.