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    Vinnova invests 300,000 in innovative startup

    Ineq Solutions is one of the companies that has been nominated for DigitalWell's "Digital welfare innovation of the year" award. Now they have also received SEK 300,000 via Vinnova's Innovative Startups call.

    Together with Mond Digital Solutions, Ineq Solutions has developed the Buhobox service, a digital toolbox to create a safe environment that gives all children the chance to complete their schooling. Buhobox combines accepted, psychosocial methods with digital technology. One of the tools is a sociogram that is based on the students' own answers, it visualizes relationships and catches if someone is about to end up in an exclusion.

    "Can scale up our business"

    Behind Ineq Solutions are Sofi Finnstam and Sara Lindahl, who both work as school counselors. The development of Buhobox has meant a big step in their entrepreneurship. The 300,000 kroner means that they can now focus on reaching out to a wider customer group.

    - This allows us to scale up our operations and take the decisive step towards commercialization. This allows us to reach out with our excellence in psychosocial work, the products cannot be sold if the knowledge of the methods is not available. Therefore, we will focus on reaching the target group through lectures, webinars, books and podcasts, says Sofi Finnstam.

    Sofi Finnstam and Sara Lindahl.

    Ineq Solutions' journey has in many ways taken place together with DigitalWell's Innovation support. Among other things, their service via Innovationssupporten has been reviewed by Nordic Medtest. And before the application to Vinnova was sent in, they also received a so-called "expert hour", where Compare's digital business developer Stefan Skoglund gave tips and advice.

    - The ball game with Stefan and the advice we received was very significant. Partly because he helped us to get the digital language in the application itself, so that we could really show the innovative power of our products, but he also gave us encouragement to dare to emphasize our competence in the application, says Sara Lindahl.

    Vinnova's support a receipt

    Stefan Skoglund believes that precisely the latter is an important piece of the puzzle:

    - It is important to dare to raise your competence, show that you are rooted in your product and show your entrepreneurial ability. That Ineq Solutions has received this support from Vinnova is really great fun! I also think it is proof that more people see the potential of the companies and entrepreneurs we work with in Innovationssupporten.

    Here you can read more about the services we can offer via DigitalWell's Innovation Support



    The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.