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    Vital app has paved the way for other entrepreneurs

    Sticky Beat has been nominated for the Swedish Design Award for its work with Lumeno – a digital companion for suicide prevention and increased mental health. The idea was the first to be supported by DigitalWell Arena's innovation support – and its success has paved the way for more entrepreneurs.

    In the genre of digital welfare services, an app that, among other things, is supposed to prevent suicide has a special position. Marie Niljung, who along with Filippa Gagnér Jenneteg and Susanne Tell is the initiator of the service, says that the subject is easily affected by fear of touch.

    She thinks the nomination for the Swedish Design Prize is proof that Lumeno has broken that barrier.

    - I don't know if anyone other than Sticky Beat could have managed to shape the app so well, because the subject is so sensitive. At the same time, there is the risk that you are so afraid of making a mistake that you do nothing at all. There are still four people dying by suicide every day, now we are really doing something together to create a change, says Marie Niljung.

    Design that strengthens the content

    She describes the collaboration with Sticky Beat as magical and also for the content itself it has provided great added value.

    - An important feature they have contributed is that users can leave feedback directly in the app. 90 percent is about people conveying how they feel about Lumeno, with suggestions for very concrete improvements. So we have really come a long way, says Marie Niljung.

    The team behind Livskêmpar, Filippa Gagnér Jenneteg Susanne Tell and Marie Niljung have together with Sticky Beat created the app Lumeno.

    Sticky Beat has participated in the development since the prototype phase. In May, the first version of Lumeno was launched and a new version should be available to users before the end of the year.

    - Now we know that young people can get support in Lumeno to help themselves. They don't even need to surf to use it and the support is available around the clock, says Marie Niljung.

    Concrete prototype support

    Livskämpar AB, which is the company behind Lumeno, were the first entrepreneurs to receive support via DigitalWell Arena's innovation support. The team already had a great deal of knowledge about how to work with suicide prevention and mental health, including through the book "Handbok för livskämpar". However, the process of converting that knowledge into a digital service was untested.

    - What has been revolutionary about the innovation support is that we have been able to provide support services and concrete means to create prototypes - pitching a service that does not exist is difficult. Life fighters' successes and drive have contributed to our daring to support more entrepreneurs in the early stages. We have seen what a difference early support can make for a driven entrepreneur. says Lina Svensberg, Process Manager at DigitalWell Arena.

    Marie Niljung describes the support from DigitalWell Arena as the foundation of building a house - and an important reason why, among others, Vinnova supported the continued development of the app.

    Looking for new collaboration partners

    Despite the successes, there are still challenges to be solved in order to reach a wider target group - and save lives.

    - Lumeno will always be free for users and free of ads. So far we have only reached out in Värmland and we need more partners who can help with the financing. Best of all, we see companies not only putting money in, but also buying our training material on psychological lifesaving. I see it as a safety and work environment issue, in the same way as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, says Marie Niljung.

    Here you can vote for Lumeno in the Swedish Design Award



    The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.