This week, the second batch of students in the YH training "Digitalization leaders in the welfare sector" graduated. The participants come from both regions and municipalities and have practiced their new knowledge during the course of the training, which has given a wide spread to both colleagues and management in their own operations.
The training is organized by the University of Applied Sciences in Arvika in collaboration with, among others, DigitalWell Arena. The aim is to give professionals in care and social care increased knowledge about how digitization and digital technology can create new opportunities for both businesses and individuals. The participants have, among other things, studied project management, ethics, legislation, as well as practical work for safe and secure use.
Testing of digital health services
During the final part of the training, the participants have carried out tests of digital health services in their own operations. Six different services have been tested - among others one digital interpretation service, various types of video communication and a virtual training tool.

Therese Persson, Linda Lindeskov and Jennie Leonsson present their final report from their tests of Visiba Care at the graduation meeting at Arvika Näringslivscenter.
Jennie Leonsson, assistant nurse at Arvika Hospital, has been a student representative during the training. She believes that concrete knowledge about how new technology can be received in healthcare is a key to meeting the needs of the future.
Sees great need for the future
- Above all, I bring with me knowledge of project management and how digital tools can be used and implemented. I think it will be very important in the future, someone is needed to take responsibility for the widespread introduction, says Jennie Leonsson, and continues:
- If we do not make care more efficient today, we will not be able to cope with the increased pressure in the future. New technology also contributes to the fact that residents expect service around the clock.

DigitalWell Arena's course leaders Mari Banck and Marie Granander in conversation with Martin Larsson, CEO of Habbie.
During the graduation meeting, the 24 course participants shared their experiences with the tests, from technical challenges to organizational issues. Åsa Whalén, operations manager for Karlstad's southern health center area, was there to listen to the final reports and thinks that the stories illustrate part of the challenge around digital health services.
- The people, the culture and the organization are often a bigger obstacle than the technology. The training can contribute to more people having knowledge of the obstacles that need to be overcome, before different solutions can be useful, she says.
Creates a collaborative space for business
The training's tests also build bridges to cooperation with business. Karlstad-based Habbie's platform for digital rehab and habilitation has been tested in both dementia, elderly care and LSS. Habbie's CEO, Martin Larsson, thinks that the training both contributes to general knowledge about digitization processes, while at the same time it creates opportunities to meet outside of purely buy-sell situations.
- It's a huge difference. Now we get straight into the business and it's about a test and not just whether Habbie is good or bad. At the same time, we have received a great deal. Among other things, the service has been tested in areas we had not thought about, for example group training in dementia homes, which contributes to us being able to develop the service, says Martin Larsson.

The second batch's "Digitalisation leader in the welfare sector".
Marie Granander, project manager for DigitalWell Arena, has led the training together with Helena Söderholm from Arvika University of Applied Sciences. She is impressed by the students' efforts and development and proud of how the education has been received.
Gets high marks from the participants
In the evaluation, the students have both given top marks to the whole, as well as to the relevance of the education for their business. It also creates a wider benefit for the entire business, as knowledge and insights are spread to other employees.
- The training contributes to increasing the understanding of the value that digital technology and digital health services in general can contribute. It provides skills in interpreting challenges, matching them against technology that is available and also stimulates dialogue and exchange of experience both within the business and with others. In addition, the new knowledge contributes to better utilization of the technology that has already been procured, says Marie Granander.
Many businesses represented
In total, the two training rounds have "Digitalization leader in the welfare sector" brought together almost 50 participants from 20 municipalities and two regions. The participants have come from a wide variety of activities, from emergency healthcare to social services. The aim is to be able to offer new training places in 2024.
The services tested in spring 2023:
- Habbie: Digital service for rehabilitation and habilitation
- Digital Interpreter: A digital video interpreter
- Virotea: An educational tool in VR for cognitive impairment
- Visiba Care: Digital video communication service between healthcare provider and patient
- JodaPro: A service for video communication between healthcare providers
- WellBee: A digital service for cognitive support for users
The course "Digitalization leader in welfare" is given by the University of Applied Sciences in Arvika and is a collaboration between DigitalWell Arena, Arvika Näringslivscentrum, Arvika municipality, Karlstad municipality, Hammarö municipality and Region Värmland.