DigitalWell Arena is part of a Swedish effort to create a European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH). The aim is to accelerate the use of digital technology that can improve people's health. The Health Data Sweden initiative houses both cutting-edge research on health data and a national network for services and knowledge transfer to business and the public sector.
Health Data Sweden is a national association where DigitalWell Arena acts together with 17 partners, consisting of universities, regions, innovation environments and research institutes. The goal is to support companies and the public sector in giving the individual greater control over their own health, and increased opportunities to influence it in a positive direction. Access to health data and the ability to understand and combine this data is increasingly driving innovation in the health sector. Health Data Sweden therefore wants to accelerate the use of health data to contribute to more efficient healthcare.
Health Data Sweden sees a great need to deliver services that contribute to small and medium-sized companies in collaboration with the public sector being able to develop new digital health and welfare services. In addition to improving the health of the individual, these services can also contribute to solving major demographic societal challenges, to make care more accessible and equal.
"Can make a big difference"
- DigitalWell Arena is an important part of Health Data Sweden, and we contribute above all with knowledge about tests, service development and integrity around the use of health data. Together, all 18 actors can make a big difference for companies, organizations and people throughout Europe, says Magnus Bårdén, Managing Director of DigitalWell Arena.

Magnus Bårdén sees great opportunities for Health Data Sweden to contribute to increasing the innovation power of both companies and the public sector in health.
Sweden is well ahead in both health innovation and the use of health data, but the innovation process is hampered by a fragmented ownership of data. It makes clear the need for an ecosystem that includes all major stakeholders, where cutting-edge knowledge, data access, testbeds and early funding become available as services for both the public sector and SMEs in Sweden and the EU.
Strong network for knowledge transfer
Cutting-edge research on health data linked to key technologies designated by the EU (such as AI, HPC and cyber security) is one of Health Data Sweden's areas of strength. The second is an ecosystem that, via the parties' networks, expertise and service offering, can pass on knowledge to the public sector, business and citizens.
All in all, Health Data Sweden's partners already deliver services that reach more than 800 companies annually. The ambition is to almost double the capacity for service delivery to the companies during the three-year program period of EDIH. The geographical division of the 18 parties also provides a broad national coverage, supplemented by a large international cooperation network.
The Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) are part of the EU program "Digital". Health Data Sweden is a merger of the two Swedish candidates in digital health, Health Data Sweden (HDS) and Health Innovation of Sweden (HIOS), which have now jointly applied to become a Digital Innovation Hub. KTH has a coordinating role for the application.

Health Data Sweden's 18 partners:
Blekinge Digital Health (BDH), Bron Innovation (BI), DigitalWell Arena (DWA), eHealth Arena (eHA), EIT Digital, EIT Health, Future Position X (FPX), Karolinska Institutet (KI), KTH (coordinator), Leap for Life (LfL) Linnaeus University (LNU), Life Medicine (LM), Region Stockholm (RS), RISE, Stockholm Science City (SSCi), Stockholm University SU), STUNS Life Science, Uppsala University (UU).
European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH):
Part of the EU program "Digital". The program's goal is for companies, citizens and public organizations to make greater use of digital technology. The investments that are prioritized must be linked to four key areas: high performance computing (HPC), Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security and Advanced Digital Skills. By providing technical expertise, new ways of working and test environments, EDIH helps companies and the public sector improve production processes, products and services using digital technologies.
The call for applications to become an EDIH participant closed on 22 February, notification of which EDIH applications are granted funding is expected in May. In Sweden, there are a total of 14 candidates, but only a handful are expected to receive EDIH status. Health Data Sweden is Sweden's only candidate in digital health.