Swelife and Medtech4Health are looking for innovations that provide better health and more efficient care in the call "Collaboration for better health - autumn 2020". They look for products and services that are significantly better than what is already on the market.
The call "Collaboration for better health - autumn 2020" wants to create innovation in collaboration. The projects must therefore contain at least two independent parties from healthcare, business, academia, institutes or the idea-driven sector.
The innovation projects can be in areas such as medical technology, drug development, in vitro diagnostics, digital health or food for medical purposes. The aim is that in the long term they should contribute to improved health and well-being or more efficient care. It can also be about improved diagnostics, monitoring or treatment of disease.
The projects awarded funds must also have a clear commercial focus and be innovative or significantly better than what is already on the market. They must also be developed together with end users, for example patients. There must be a significant need and demand for the solution by the end user.
In the call, Vinnova can finance projects from SEK 500,000 up to SEK 3,000,000, but only a maximum of 50 percent of the project's total costs. Maximum project duration is two years.
The call has a total budget of SEK 36 million.
The application deadline is November 25.
More information about the call can be found here:
"Collaboration for better health - autumn 2020"