The strategic development work in many public businesses has had to be put on hold during the Corona pandemic. At the same time, digital services have had an impact. Now DigitalWell and DigitalWell Arena offer an education for new thinking and innovation, where through collaboration you can benefit from the rapid development of technology.
Challenges such as globalization and urbanization still need to be addressed in the construction of sustainable welfare. Now municipalities, regions and authorities need to secure the strategic perspective again and take proper development steps to meet the challenges and benefit from the rapid technological development in cooperation with companies.
DigitalWell and DigitalWell Arena therefore offer, in collaboration with Dialogmakarna, a training program for teams within public businesses who are serious about creating the best conditions for tomorrow's welfare.
Can generate completely new solutions
Niklas Tideklev, innovation leader at Dialogmakarna believes that the public sector needs to focus both on operational problems and strategic challenges. Organizational dexterity is a key factor in being able to meet the challenges and achieve impact.
- It is no longer possible to focus solely on problems that arise here and now. Municipalities and regions also need to look a number of years ahead and focus on challenges they face in a few years' time. What does the demographic development look like, for example, and how does it affect the need for welfare services in schools, care and social care, says Niklas Tideklev and continues:
- When the public sector shares what they want, where they want and what they need to achieve for the companies, it can stimulate new thinking, both for the companies and for their own operations. An innovative power that can generate completely new types of solutions and innovations that we need at a time when the proportion of older and younger people in the population increases more than the able-bodied population.

The corona pandemic has in many ways meant increased digital maturity and an openness to using digital solutions. It is something that municipalities and regions need to take advantage of.
- There has not been a lack of technical solutions in the past, but maturity and incentives to take advantage of the opportunities, says Jenny Engström, CEO at Dialogmakarna.
- In many places, business development is being worked on through continuous improvements, but it is no longer enough - we need to take proper development steps. Many of these include taking advantage of the possibilities of technology. They say that the world's transition to meeting digitally made seven years of change happen in seven weeks. Corona has caused us to cross a threshold and thus new doors are open.
Purchasers need to come in earlier
The training goes through tools to invite and secure new thinking within the framework of the business's development work
- The training is an important piece of the puzzle in the public sector's path towards finding sustainable working methods and models that enable us to really handle the societal challenges we already see today. The internal dialogue needs to be developed not only based on what you talk about, but also based on who you talk to and how you do it, regardless of whether it refers to dialogue between operational, strategic level or between different business areas, says Marie Granander, Process Manager at Compare.
Not least those who work with purchasing and procurement have a lot to add if that dialogue really works.
- The procurers often enter the process too late. There are many different possibilities that significant parts of the development work and procurement work can be done in dialogue with companies to raise the bar and really create space for innovation in both thought and action, says Jenny Engström.
- An innovation space that develops welfare as well as the competitiveness of business.
A digital breakfast meeting, which is free of charge, will be held digitally on September 3. It provides a good introduction to the training on the same theme, starting on 17 September.
Here you will find more information about both content and how to sign up: