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    DigitalWell Arena wants to become one of the EU's innovation hubs

    DigitalWell Arena has submitted an expression of interest to become an EDIH, European Digital Innovation Hub. Excellence in cyber security linked to innovation of health services is the main argument for Karlstad and Värmland to be an important part of an EDIH.

    The investment in European Digital Innovation Hubs is part of the EU's Digital Europe programme. The aim is for each Member State to have at least one EDIH by the start of the program in 2021. The aim is to support the digital transformation of the economy and society and ensure that European citizens and businesses can reap the benefits. The hubs should invite cross-border cooperation.

    Five key areas have been identified for EDIH's activities: HPC (High Performance Computing), AI, cybersecurity and trust, advanced digital skills, and the deployment and use of digital capabilities.

    Limited number in Sweden

    Vinnova has made a preliminary study of the conditions for the establishment of EDIH. A maximum of four to eight hubs will be relevant in Sweden, which will mean a geographical spread and the creation of networks between actors from different regions within a certain thematic area.

    It is against this background that DigitalWell Arena has decided to register an interest in creating an EDIH focused on cyber security and health. Mainly because of the excellence in the subject that can be found at Karlstad University's Department of Computer Science and more specifically in the research group PriSec (Privacy&Security). In addition, there is an interdisciplinary collaboration with, CTF, Center for service research, which concerns usability and trust in privacy-protecting technologies.

    Privacy protection key to digital health

    In DigitalWell Arena's mission to create new, user-driven digital health services, issues related to personal privacy and cyber security are a key issue.

    - We want to create a shift from a current situation where shortcomings regarding cyber security affect us all and constitute an obstacle, to a situation where the degree of maturity in companies, organizations and civil crisis systems is high and the development of new health services can take off with cyber security as security, says Magnus Bårdén, process manager for DigitalWell Arena.

    There is also a stated strategy that the European digital innovation hubs build on already ongoing national efforts to get a better exchange. Profit growth initiatives, such as DigitalWell Arena, have been explicitly identified by Vinnova as a possible player to build hubs around.

    The EU contributes funding of between 1.5 to three million euros per EDIH over three years, with the member states accounting for an equal share. In DigitalWell Arena's case, the funds already set aside could be switched up to the maximum amount that can be applied for an EDIH.

    Over 50 Swedish stakeholders

    The expression of interest submitted on April 27 is a first step on the way for DigitalWell Arena to become an EDIH. In May, a match will take place, where Vinnova will try to match skills from various national players who have expressed an interest. DigitalWell Arena is primarily looking for cooperation with an actor with cutting-edge expertise in AI. However, the competition to become a national EDIH is tough – over 50 actors have submitted expressions of interest.

    After the match is completed, a formal call will open at the end of May. In September, Vinnova then selects the applicants that they recommend the Government Office to include on the list, which is finally forwarded to the EU Commission.

    Read more on Vinnova's website



    The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.