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    Grums can become a center for preventive care efforts

    DigitalWell Arena participated in a first workshop together with Grums municipality, Region Värmland and Capio. The aim is to investigate opportunities to develop the health center of the future in order to collaborate more preventively around health.

    The workshop was led by Capio, who today runs a health center in Grums. The initiative has been started when Grums has expressed a need to find new solutions to work with the problems surrounding mental illness that the municipality is struggling with.

    - It could result in a common testbed environment where we get access to patients, users and data. It can open a door for the researchers towards reality to see how the work with data capture works in practice, says Cecilia Karlsson, innovation leader for DigitalWell Arena.

    The basic idea for the collaboration is to, through the collection of data, be able to make care more proactive on an individual level and develop the health center of the future. The common goal that has been established so far is about creating an organized care system that meets the patients' expectations via clear processes, routines and the use of digital technology.

    For the municipality and region, the collaboration could, for example, provide answers to questions about how more digital care affects quality, finances and how to handle sensitive data. It could also offer opportunities to develop compensation models where care providers are allowed to work more preventively.



    The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.