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    The partner's role is important in digital childbirth tools

    Work on developing a digital tool for the concept of Feeding without fear is progressing in the DigitalWell Arena. Now a needs picture has been developed, where an important insight has been the importance of supporting and involving the partner well in advance of the birth.

    The process of developing a digital tool based on the entrepreneur Susanna Heli's concept of Giving birth without fear began at the beginning of the year. Now a picture of needs has been created, based on the insights that emerged from the focus group and interviews with pregnant women, partners and new mothers. A group interview has also been conducted with midwives at the birth at the Central Hospital in Karlstad.

    Helena Troedsson, process manager for Feed without fear, together with the focus group that participated in developing a needs picture.

    The focus will be on how a digital tool can help users feel cared for and prepared for the emotional challenges of childbirth. There is a great need in the target group to receive clear information, but also confirmation and emotional support, which also extends after childbirth.

    Digital tool provides visual possibilities

    In addition, the need to support and clarify the partner's role has become an important piece of the puzzle when the needs picture has become clear.

    - The importance of the partner has proven to be incredibly central in this work; they should be able to feel participation and receive concrete tools to be able to better support the birth in the delivery room, says Marika Martin, process development designer at Compare.

    In addition to the need to involve the partner, the possibility to work more visually becomes something that distinguishes the digital tool from the material already available in the Feed without fear concept.

    - The digital tool opens up the possibility of developing and using the available material in a more interactive way, says Marika Martin.

    Looking for participation in user tests

    Once the need picture is established, the more creative work of developing the digital tool begins. Among other things, a concept must be designed and a prototype built. After that, user tests await, and if you are interested in participating, you can get in touch. Here you will find more information.

    Who will develop the digital tool towards the end users is yet to be decided, so here is an opening for entrepreneurs and companies interested in participating.

    For more information:

    Helena Troedsson, Region Värmland,
    process manager for Feed without fear



    The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.