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    Livia Holm in the steering group and new advisory board

    Digitalwell Arena is strengthening its organization on several different levels. Livia Holm takes a seat in the steering group and, in addition, a new advisory board has been created to act as a sounding board and raise critical issues.

    Livia Holm, policy and development manager for the digital health center KRY, will be the last piece of the puzzle to make Digitalwell Arena's steering group complete. In fact, the place has been vacant for some time, because they were looking to capture some cutting edge properties. Characteristics that are now considered to have been found in Livia Holm.

    - Wanted a competent person from business with a national perspective and who is part of the challenge we are facing; to create the health services of the future, says Magnus Bårdén, innovation leader at Digitalwell Arena.

    Livia Holm is looking forward to her new assignment, not least because she thinks that a unifying force for entrepreneurs who target the health sector is important, not least in contact with public actors.

    - You can have an incredibly good service or product, but you will have a problem if the business is not given the conditions to scale up. What is attractive about Digitalwell Arena is that it is an attempt to create an ecosystem where you can develop these services for scale-up, says Livia Holm.

    Marie Grannander, Lina Svenberg, Cecilia Karlsson, Livia Holm and Magnus Bårdén.

    Digitalwell Arena's base organization is also strengthened with two new names. Marie Grannander, who most recently came from a role as digitization strategist in Eda municipality, will assume a coordinating role for process management. Lina Svensberg, previously active within Digitalwell, will be responsible for the work area of entrepreneurship, commercialization and scale-up.

    Reviewing function

    At the structural level, a new advisory board has also been created. The group consists of people with cutting-edge knowledge from both academia, business and the public sector. The main task will be to act as a sounding board for the steering group and the various working groups - with a mandate to address issues critical to the initiative.

    - We believe that we become better together, that we complement and strengthen each other. But we also hope that you can help review, because we are running on a lot of different balls in this venture, said Cecilia Karlsson, process manager for Digitalwell Arena, when the advisory board gathered for a first meeting.

    There, the group members had the chance to air their thoughts about Digitalwell Arena. A recurring thought was that even if the investment extends many years into the future, a more short-term focus is also needed.

    - It must not just be that we repaint the bodywork, we have to get down to what actually drives the business. It also needs to have effects here and now, and it's not about dismissing healthcare staff but getting their time to be enough, says Mikael Borén, IT manager for Region Värmland.

    Focus on preventive measures

    Another important piece of the puzzle, as several pointed out, is the importance of health and medical care having to become more preventive.

    - There we need a success, where we can show a movement. Such results can be found, for example, in specialist care, where continuous progress is made, but when it comes to how we organize care, which is largely about when we talk about prevention, we often lack large, clear progress, said Jonas Matthing, doctor of Business Administration, RISE.

    Magnus Bårdén and Cecilia Karlsson in front of Arena's newly created advisory board, which gathered for a first meeting at the beginning of February.

    Finally, the new grouping was drawn by Henrik Ahlén, e-health strategist at CGI, who is working on a preliminary study on how Digitalwell Arena can work with data infrastructure. Here, too, a possible main direction is considered to be how the collection of data and screening can help shorten the times for making diagnoses and identifying risk groups. This could, for example, be done by involving partly new actors in the care chain, such as dental care, social services and schools.



    The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.