In Digitalwell Arena, a digital service is now being developed to help pregnant women have a safer birth. The content is based on the methodology from the successful book Give birth without fear.
The case is the first to be operated from scratch in the Digitalwell Arena.
PINE, Feed without fear, is a concept created by entrepreneur Susanna Heli. The first edition of her book, which is aimed at pregnant women and support people, came out just over ten years ago and has now sold over 50,000 copies.
Collaboration is now underway to develop the content into a digital service. In addition to Susanna Heli and Digitalwell Arena, Region Värmland's maternity care is included.
- The method and content are so well established that it is no longer dependent on me as a person. Therefore, with the support of Digitalwell Arena, I want to move forward with digitization and conceptualization of the method, I do not have that knowledge, says Susanna Heli.
- The driving force is to develop the healthcare of the future. It feels fantastic to be able to participate and do it.

Cecilia Karlsson, process manager in Digitalwell Arena, believes that the service can meet the needs of a target group that is digitally receptive, as well as a development need from the business. In addition, she thinks the case matches Digitalwell Arena's model:
- It contains all four building blocks that an innovation case in the Digitalwell Arena should have. It focuses on a user-driven need, an analog method that could very well become a digital support for the expectant mother/family. There is an entrepreneur who needs help with and wants to invest in scaling up his product digitally, we link to research from Karlstad University for knowledge dissemination and use our knowledge of innovation and process management to drive the case.
Sees great potential
Cecilia Karlsson hopes that the digital service can reduce the need for telephone advice from healthcare professionals, while at the same time giving expectant parents a greater sense of self-control. She also sees a great opportunity for the service to spread both nationally and internationally.
According to Susanna Heli, the digital tool will focus even more than the book on the practical aspects connected to childbirth. In addition, the idea is that a prophylaxis course should be included.
- My driving force is that this should make FUR available to as many people as possible, says Susanna Heli, who thinks that healthcare has generally been worse at investing in emotionally based services.
- It is completely accepted with a billion dollar industry around pharmaceuticals and healthcare equipment, but not as accepted with emotionally based services. But the whole point of the service is to prevent both physical and psychological suffering.
Service becomes the subject of research
Digitalwell Arena's collaboration around FUR also includes Karin Ängeby, trained midwife and researcher, as a representative from maternity care. She will also conduct research on births linked to the FUR methodology, together with Anna Nordin, senior lecturer in Nursing at Karlstad University.
Föda Utan Rädsla has existed as a method for ten years but has not been evaluated in research before. However, we know that support during childbirth has very good effects and no negative side effects, says Karin Ängeby.
The work with the concept development of FUR will be the very first case that is run from the ground up under the auspices of Digitalwell Arena, previous cases have been initiated via the regional EU project DigitalWell. It has also opened to admit Susanna Heli's company, which is based in Stockholm.
Looking for participants for focus groups
Linked to development work of the FUR tool, focus groups are created. If you are pregnant, a support person or a new parent and want to share what needs you have to achieve a safe childbirth, you are welcome to sign up for the first focus group here. In addition, at a later stage there will be a need for users who can test the pilot version of the tool and who can participate in in-depth interviews. More information will be available shortly on Digitalwell Arena's website.