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    Experience my reality

    How can we, with the help of digital solutions, make people experience what it feels like to live with dementia? Now we are looking for companies that want to be involved and contribute to a solution.






    "Experience my reality" is an innovation challenge from Karlstad municipality and DigitalWell Arena. 

    The municipality of Karlstad is investigating the possibility of procuring a digital service that can make people experience what it feels like to live with a cognitive impairment, for example memory impairment, hallucinations, impaired understanding, impaired impulse control or impaired imagination. 

    We are now collecting information from interested companies to get a better picture of possible solutions, and how a procurement process around the challenge can be shaped in the best way. DigitalWell Arena will provide compensation of SEK 5,000 excluding VAT to the companies that submit serious proposals, which are deemed to have the potential to contribute to a solution.

    The challenge is also included as a pilot case in DigitalWell Demand Accelerator, a project within the DigitalWell Arena.


    Every year, between 20,000 and 25,000 people become ill with dementia. This means that there are between 130,000 and 150,000 people with dementia in Sweden today. The number will almost double by the year 2050. If you also add people with a different shape av cognitive impairment, for example memory impairment, hallucinations, impaired understanding, impaired impulse control, impaired imagination, the number is much larger. According to Sthe National Board's guidelines have the right to an individually tailored health and social care, which means that care must be given with respect for the individual's specific needs and expectations and integrity.

    In training for healthcare professionals today, the opportunity is often given to try out different situations or circumstances in order to more easily familiarize yourself with the patients' reality, for example what it is like to have a visual impairment, or to get around in a wheelchair. It is not as easy to understand what it is like to live with cognitive impairment, and it is also a patient group that has difficulty communicating their needs. 



    How could we, using digital solutions, make people experience what it feels like to live with cognitive impairment in a way that could: 

    • function as part of training/further training for staff? 
    • contribute to a better understanding of the situation of those concerned?
    • mean that those who take part in the service gain the ability to make everyday life more understandable for the individuals concerned, and also meet the needs of those individuals who cannot express what they want and need, thereby increasing the feeling of security and trust?
    • scale up to reach more?

    Listen to how reality can be experienced for a person with dementia


    Does your company want to be involved and contribute to a solution? Record a video in which you answer the following two questions. The video doesn't have to be professional quality - a simple mobile video will do just fine. All communication must be in Swedish.

    • On a conceptual level – how would you contribute to solving the challenge? Draw, for example on a whiteboard, and explain. 
    • In what way would you like to work to develop this solution and do you have experience with it before?
    Also answer the following questions in writing via e-Call no later than August 6. There you also enter the link to the film you recorded.  
    • How do you assess the degree of difficulty in developing a solution like this and what do you think are the biggest difficulties?
    • What experience do you have as a company that is relevant to this challenge? 
    • How would it develop you as a company to be part of a procurement process to solve this challenge?
    • Would you have the capacity for, and interest in, scaling up the solution nationally, after a possible first deal with Karlstad Municipality?
    • What support do you see that you would need in connection with development/procurement/scaling up?

    The next step in the process will be to invite the companies that contributed with proposed solutions to one Innovation Forum about the challenge, Tuesday, August 24 at 2-3:30 p.m., with the opportunity to ask questions directly to relevant businesses within Karlstad municipality.  

    All questions are referred to e-Call.

    Other information

    A procurement can be preceded by a so-called Request For Information, RFI. An RFI is one way to Karlstad municipality to gather information about possible solutions, delivery conditions and requirement models in one or more areas before a possible production of procurement documents. For the companies, it is thus a way to be proactive and to have the opportunity to influence procurements in good time before the procurement documents are completed

    The purpose of this RFI is to obtain fromm basis for taking a position on whether a procurement should be carried out and, if so, how it should be carried out. 

    If you consider that any part of the information you provide is covered by confidentiality, you are asked to indicate this and specify which information is meant and what damage you risk incurring if the information is disclosed. If the data is requested, it will Karlstad municipality to carry out an independent confidentiality assessment taking into account what you stated regarding confidentiality. Karlstad municipality however, in this context would like to draw your attention to the fact that the scope according to the Publicity and Secrecy Act to classify information submitted as a result of an RFI is limited.

    DigitalWell Arena will provide compensation in 5 SEK 000 plus value added tax to the companies that provide serious answers to this request. It is DigitalWell Arena in consultation with the municipality of Karlstad who themselves at their own discretion determines whether an answer is sufficiently well thought out to receive the compensation.



    The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.