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Need and matching


During the needs and matching work, the foundation is laid to be able to answer the questions WHAT is to be tested, HOW is it to be tested and WHO is to carry out the test?

Identification of needs

There are many purposes of testing, therefore it is important to identify the real need and purpose of the test. In which area should the test take place? Is it an exploratory test – for example an environmental analysis, or to create new insights or learning? It can also be an evaluative test – for example to investigate whether X produces a higher effect, or a higher quality before a decision to enter into a procurement process. It can also be about a first step towards implementing and spreading the service or product in several businesses.

Needs can be identified in several ways. Based on political goals, plans for digitization, deviation management, evaluations and documentation in the business or through ongoing systematic quality work that provides a basis for development needs.

To verify the need, a need owner is also needed who creates internal anchoring at both operational and management level.


A need that is identified is matched with one or more solutions to be tested, as well as with the business where the test is to be carried out. The matching is an anchoring and trust work that is governed by the organization's complexity and degree of maturity together with the company's expectation of the test.

The work with needs and matching can take a different amount of time depending on the initial situation in relation to the expected test. This is precisely why this area is not described further in this method support.


Checklist coming shortly.

Read more about different cases



The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.