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Congratulations to everyone who has been nominated in 2023!

The DigitalWell Award highlights people and initiatives that contribute to the health innovations of the future. Based on the nominations received, DigitalWell Arena's Process Management designate up to four candidates in each category.

The design studio
The South-East healthcare region

The design studio is a project between three regions that has overcome regional barriers to cooperation. Where the sharing of resources has contributed to common digital innovation that delivers close and equal care to their respective regions. New and challenging working methods are developed and implemented in an orderly and inclusive manner - with great heart and responsibility. The design studio is a source of motivation for Sweden's other regions, which shows that cooperation is possible in a challenging time. Josefin Laago, Anna Norrenge, Johanna Höppe Persson and Joakim Ekberg are therefore an obvious choice for nomination.

Yasin Mohamed

Yasin Mohamed is CTO and co-founder of Zimify Group AB. He has been an extremely important person in Zimify's history, and is one of the reasons why the company has done so well. His unique ability to solve problems, and creative ways of finding solutions, is something every company dreams of having. Yasin is also not the person who is used to being in the limelight, or usually the one who understands the impact he has on those around him. Everyone enjoys working with him and he is a strong role model for many others. I think Yasin is a worthy winner and I am extremely grateful to have worked with him for so many years. I learn every day from him, and I hope many others will in the future. Therefore, I want to take the opportunity to nominate him for this year's Digitalwell Award.

Mia Andersson & Magdalena Swierczek
The Health and Care Administration, Karlstad Municipality

Because they, with their know-how, commitment and long experience, made it possible for Karlstad's first procurement carried out using the demand acceleration methodology to be a success.

Stjärnhuset Trygghetsboende
Karlstad municipality

Stjärnhuset's sheltered accommodation works actively to create independence for its residents, and a good working environment for its staff. By using service design, both staff and residents were involved in developing an app that complements the existing security alarm. The app is easy to use for the residents and contains information about e.g. today's food and staff. Residents also have the option of making video calls to both staff and relatives through the app. The goal of the app is to increase the residents' independence, as well as improve for staff as the percentage of so-called "unnecessary" alarms is reduced. Thanks to the business's courage and ability to innovate, they have created a better life for both residents and staff through digitization.

Henrik Pallin
Online habits

Henrik Pallin is an expert on young people's online habits, and trains young people and adults in how they can relate to social media in a healthy, source-critical and safe way. Social media is a source of mental illness among young adults. With his lectures, Henrik focuses on training in privacy, source criticism, ethics, being safe online and the fight for screen time - which can proactively contribute to better health for young people. The lectures are based on the latest research and current guidelines. Henrik is one of the country's most popular lecturers for school students. I therefore want to nominate Henrik for the category of individual participation.

Anders Liling
Anders Liling Holding

Anders Liling and his team have accurately explored how startups can measure the value their innovations add to healthcare, and based on that, see how they can use these insights in how they charge for their service. The assignment has been carried out together with two startups, the Institute for Health Economics and customers.


HealPlay contributes to users moving, and completing FAR to a greater degree, through its digital solution where the physiotherapist receives data on how the patient completes their FAR program.

Martin Larsson
Habbie HealthTech

Would like to nominate Martin Larsson at Habbie HealthTech AB for the DigitalWell Award for his pioneering work in developing Habbie's innovative digital platform for rehabilitation together with the users, which both improves the individual's health and makes care more efficient. By focusing on digital rehabilitation and motivational training, Martin Larsson and the team behind Habbie strengthen individuals' ability to improve their own health with the help of data and digital technology. Habbie's platform is specially designed for rehabilitation, habilitation and preventive training. It is developed in collaboration with users, municipalities and research, which creates a unique and user-centered experience. Habbie will make a real difference to many people in the future. Martin Larsson's work to strengthen the individual's participation in his own health together with his colleagues at Habbie is an exemplary initiative that really deserves recognition in the category of Individual participation!

Anders Lenz
Karlstad municipality

The high school and adult education administration in Karlstad has combined data from Värmland's high school admissions with well-founded success factors from the Swedish National Agency for Education. The combination of grade values from grade 9 and the student's chosen program is the most decisive factor for whether the student will succeed in graduating. In doing so, a way has been found to proactively and via visualization tools bring out which programs and schools need extra support from the start of school for extra support within various courses and subjects. The proactive approach enables principals and mentors to be prepared up to six months in advance via efforts and planning support. The aim is that all students who start high school in Karlstad should have a successful start to school, receive good support from the start and reduce stress and mental illness. The working method of proactive data analysis could also be easily spread to all municipalities within the Värmland cooperation area, but also to many other municipalities in Sweden.

Michel Laji
Karolinska Institutet

Our innovation will be about Lyme disease. Borrelia incidents and the spread are increasing in Sweden and Europe as a result of, among other things, climate change. Today, the "simple" cases are treated at the health center and more difficult ones at the emergency room. It is often difficult to know when and where to apply as a patient. This burdens care and causes stress for the patient due to long waiting times and strong stress. Our solution involves identifying a skin rash related to Lyme disease and using a "Clinical Decision" program to refer the patient correctly. Initially only through the camera's measurement function and "Clinical Decision" program, but later through AI recognition.

Ivan Perlesi

Ivan Perlesi has brilliantly leveraged the demand acceleration process to develop and scale a brand new VR service. He has listened sensitively to the needs of the business, and at the same time always had his eyes on the larger market, and developed both a service and a business. 

The sustainability group

Through the sustainability challenge, which is carried out at Elvenite twice a year, Elvenite's Sustainability Group has demonstrated innovation and inspiration linked to movement and healthy initiatives in everyday life. The sustainability challenge means that for a month the focus is on activities that will encourage employees to make healthy choices, and in a simple way completed activities are checked off in an app. At the end of the month, a compilation is carried out with analysis and those who have collected the most points win a joint prize where the winners celebrate together. In the challenge, everything from social, economic and environmental sustainability initiatives is tested. The outcome has been very positive and most employees (>85%) participate and do their best, and through changed habits we all contribute to a better world. The sustainability group is responsible for planning, implementing and following up the challenge, and before each challenge the group develops new initiatives and activities. The sustainability group consists of representatives from the entire business who are passionate about health promotion measures. The group includes Kristoffer, Maja, Julia, Lisa and Simon. You can read more about this in Elvenite's sustainability report.

Digital Psychology
Psychologist Partners

Psykologpartner's business area Digital Psychology has made a significant effort to promote participation in care, and strengthen people's opportunities to take control of their own health, with the help of digital psychological treatment. Psykologpartners has worked to develop and implement Internet-based CBT in healthcare since the beginning of 2010, and over 40,000 patients have taken part in their programs aimed at anxiety, worry, sleep, stress, depression and ADHD. In addition to working with a majority of Sweden's regions to provide these programs, Psykologpartners has also been involved in creating support and treatment programs for others. By developing innovative and digital ways to deliver psychological treatment, people can access high-quality care and support in a flexible way.

Modded Sörmland
Region Sörmland

Through the Modda Sörmland initiative, Region Sörmland has created a unique science center that combines physical and digital activities under a common umbrella. It offers exploratory environments for mainly children and young people, and the environments are everything from KomTek operations, VR libraries, museums and academic centers. By making available both physical and digital experiences in an open source environment, they make it easy for both children and their teachers to create curiosity and creativity around modern digital technology and its possibilities. This strengthens and creates the conditions for the digital competence supply of the future and we hope Modda Sörmland spreads like wildfire!

Mikael Karlsson
Avanto Care

Nominates Avanto Care for the DigitalWell Award in the field of Data & Digital Technology for their significant contribution to a healthier future through more efficient data management in elderly care. Through their innovative welfare platform, Avanto 360, Avanto Care combines professional competence and experience with data and information, to provide professionals in elderly care with the conditions for a new, data-driven and proactive way of working. Their open and independent platform enables integration with existing providers and supports the collection, management and analysis of data in a secure manner. Avanto Care offers guidance in implementation and business development, as well as ensures effective take-home for its customers. The platform is continuously developed in line with changes in the outside world, and customers can take part in the development without extra integration or development costs. Avanto Care's investment in safe and efficient data management in elderly care strengthens the individual's use of their own data and contributes to realizing the vision of a future more efficient and sustainable health society!

Anders Forsberg
Digital Lots,
Kristinehamn municipality

By guiding and helping with everything related to technology, he contributes to reducing digital exclusion within vulnerable groups. He makes both home visits and has meeting points where he accepts bookings. Digital inclusion for everyone over 65 in Kristinehamn municipality!


AsthmaTuner has developed a completely digital asthma flow, which gives the patient their own treatment plan and self-care through home spirometry and diagnostics, as asthma requires frequent return visits. Through AsthmaTuner, the patient can reduce the number of physical visits and take them remotely. AsthmaTuner is included in the medication benefit and is prescribed to children and young people with uncontrolled asthma. Asthma is the most common chronic disease and causes many recurring follow-up visits to healthcare. They are now taking the next step and, together with Anders Liling Holding and others, have set aside time and resources to explore value-based pricing models, to explore and find out future pricing models for healthcare. The hope is that new price models will be able to provide continued profitability and development of sustainable health services. The initiative strengthens the exchange of knowledge between academia and companies. If the venture turns out well, it will make it easier for many other companies in terms of financing and scaling digital health services.

Melinda Persson
DIRI Safety Solutions

Through their experience-based idea, to digitize safety work, Melinda and her employees save lives - while streamlining industrial operations.

3 age

The fundamental problem we are trying to solve is the unequal access to high-quality healthcare for all. Moreover, existing healthcare systems cannot keep pace with today's dynamics, especially in areas such as digitization and personalization in the health sector, where there are gaps.

Ann-Charlotte Kästel
Project manager OPT, Region Värmland

Region Värmland digitizes OPT
Region Värmland's project Organized PSA testing (OPT) has incorporated previous project-based prostate testing into clinical practice through automation and digitization of all processes with efficiency from both a health economic, operational and patient-related point of view, including a relief from primary care for this entire ongoing testing process. Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer with approximately 2,400 deaths each year in Sweden. Several studies, including the Gothenburg study, have shown that you can dramatically reduce death from prostate cancer by participating in regular PSA testing for early detection and treatment of prostate cancer. Värmland has long had a low diagnosis of prostate cancer and among the highest death rates in Sweden. Since the OPT business has largely been conducted manually, the business wanted to increase the degree of automation in OPT with the help of various IT support. This has been realized by Region-IT who has digitized the OPT process to systematically and repeatedly inform men about PSA testing with a strong IT-based system, automated e-mails, automated e-mail replies, centralized processing, and IT solution in Cosmic for handling both the Stockholm3 test and MR to help achieve these goals. The aim is to minimize the use of resources in all parts through a standardized, safe and individualized flow for the patient based on current knowledge. The project's clear benefit and the commitment of the business has been a major contributory effect to the project being so successful. The business now has a good tool to follow up and call for screening. The urologist has developed a screening process and Region-IT has developed tools and used existing services to provide good IT support. The project is also a pioneer for the region when it comes to sending to Digital mailboxes. This project is a good example of how we can work across the board and achieve good results.

The social administration
Hammarö municipality

At the Djupängen nursing home, the elderly use several different digital innovations, which make their everyday life pleasant and inspiring. Examples are the Casino, playing digital bowling or taking a bike ride on electric bicycles.


#addher is operated by Sogeti and the Capgemini group. Its goal is to get Sweden's tech women to take their place, in all roles, to make them visible and to attract more women to the industry. The network has grown like an avalanche and has been for a few years now one of Sweden's largest networks for women in the tech industry, with approx. 7,000 members in 18 locations. The network encourages everyone in the industry to make their female colleagues visible, and showcases the skills that women in the industry possess. Through the #addher awards, which were carried out in the fall of 2022, strong women in the industry were particularly highlighted. An important initiative that wants to involve its entire industry for the sake of society, and that is well worthy of being nominated for the DigitalWell Award for its contribution with more perspectives into new and existing digital solutions!

The prevention clinic
Södersjukhuset, SLL Innovation & Experio Lab

The prevention clinic is a brilliant example of creative, engaging dialogue with residents about possible innovative solutions in healthcare and the health of the future.

Kajsa Olsson Persson

Kajsa has in an exemplary manner, with great will and enthusiasm, succeeded in developing an evidence-based, CE-marked, medical technical aid, based on her mother's research in foot health for diabetics "PedesHome". It enables diabetics to easily measure temperature differences in their feet on a daily basis, in order to detect inflammation in time, which in turn is the first sign of an incipient foot ulcer. PedesHome is launched in 230323 in collaboration with the Greater Stockholm Diabetes Association and Campro.

Erik Wästlund
Karlstad University

Erik has consistently identified new opportunities and challenges, and has not been afraid to think outside the box. He understands that successful innovations are often the result of effective collaboration between individuals with different skills and perspectives. Erik has also shown that he can build bridges between different organizations, sectors and disciplines. By establishing collaborations and partnerships, he has succeeded in creating synergies and capitalizing on the unique strengths of each organization and individual. These collaborations have been instrumental in achieving success in several innovative projects and collaborations.

Lotta Borg Skoglund

By addressing, and working to reduce, the inequality that exists in research and care linked to one of the largest neuropsychiatric disabilities, ADHD, they are doing society a service. This is a project that Lotta has pursued for many years. Now they take another step when they ensure that the individual is included in their own care and with the help of data, the care is also individualized. Health data, research and precision health in fantastic harmony, that's why Lotta and Letterlife deserve to be nominated for the DigitalWell Award!

Helene Strandqvist

Would like to nominate Helene Strandqvist, founder and CEO of MeWe&You, for the DigitalWell Award Service Development & Commercialization for their innovative and sustainable health service. It helps menopausal women to have a healthier and happier everyday life. With their customized health tracker and personalized activities, which are based on scientific support from multidisciplinary experts, MeWe&You increases the emotional, physical and mental health of menopausal women. This is a necessary service for the nearly 1 billion menopausal women, 80% of whom experience symptoms that negatively impact their daily lives, families and careers. The service is developed in close collaboration with women. MeWe&You provides affordable and accessible access to information and help for menopausal women and will influence many in the future!

Louise Wrange
Voice Diagnostics

Would like to nominate Louise Wrange, CEO of Voice Diagnostics, for the DigitalWell Award Innovation through collaboration, for their successful work in developing a digital voice training product and voice biomarkers through collaboration between researchers and specialists from different fields. Voice Diagnostics started in 2018 as a research collaboration at Lund University, and has since worked together with experts in speech-language pathology, ear, nose and throat diseases and mathematical statistics. By combining voice monitoring with artificial intelligence, they have succeeded in creating a unique digital service that helps people achieve and maintain a healthier voice. Louise Wrange's leadership and initiatives within Voice Diagnostics demonstrate how collaboration between different actors can lead to innovative solutions to common challenges in health and welfare. It is an exemplary example of how collaboration can foster a culture of innovation and make a real difference to people's well-being.

Annika Carlson
Care department 102 Surgery, Karlstad Central Hospital

Annika works as the head of the Department of Health 102 Surgery at Central Hospital Karlstad, and has for many years worked with patient-closer care and previously received the Suntarbetsliv prize for her good work environment. They start from the patient's perspective and staff who will work with Annika and her team must really enjoy being close to the patients. Annika works with a system where employees write down things they want to change on a post-it note that is put up in the staff room. Working with innovation and new digital solutions is something that Annika and her employees are interested in, and are no strangers to testing and evaluating. They are now in the process of wanting to test the app SeeWound from DermaCut, a digital aid to assess how well a wound is healing, which makes care processes faster, cheaper and easier. Through collaboration and courage, Annika Carlson wants to dare to test new innovative, digital health services with her employees. She creates an environment where several actors try, through tests, to solve common challenges - where there is a need to start from the patient's perspective. Seeing gains in the fact that the patient, with precise follow-up, can be more involved and inspired by the wound healing is a great advantage.

Fredrik Söder
Health Integrator

I want to nominate Fredrik Söder at Health Integrator in Stockholm. Health Integrator is a national health program that 1) works preventively and 2) via digital solutions to 3) activate "users" with the aim of reducing their care needs, and thus by extension care queues. They use a unique business model (called a social impact bond, roughly a social welfare contract) and have managed to achieve this financing solution in a way that allows people to take over responsibility for their own care situation and thus relieve the care. The health program is equipped with common digital solutions that facilitate behavior change. I want to nominate them for their innovative thinking in the areas I specified above.



The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.