On October 4, DigitalWell Meet Up will premiere – a series of meetings where you can keep up to date about DigitalWell Arena.
In an initial stage, six meetings are planned. The aim is to share information and knowledge about how DigitalWell Arena's operations, projects and activities develop, as well as what results and effects it contributes to. It is also a forum where all actors can ask questions and share exciting opportunities.
- It feels very good to be invited to this broad form of meeting, so that more actors can contribute to digital health innovation. It is the efforts of all different actors together that make up the strength of DigitalWell Arena. Now we have a forum where we can make our work more transparent and share everything exciting that is happening, says Marie Granander, project manager for DigitalWell Arena.

Marie Granander hopes that the new meeting forum will make DigitalWell Arena's work more transparent and give room for new ideas from different actors.
At the DigitalWell Meet Up on October 4, you will find out more about Health Data Sweden, one of the EU's digital innovation hubs, and what role DigitalWell Arena plays in this national investment in health data.
We are also visited by Gunn Mari Rusten from Digital Innlandet, who tells us more about an ongoing Swedish-Norwegian collaboration. In addition, DigitalWell Arena's new steering group is presented.
Here you will find more information and a link to registration