HealthGoing is a startup that conveys quality-assured information and advice on nutrition, health and exercise. Via DigitalWell Innovationssupport, the company has now quality assured its digital platform - and started a completely new investment in wellness in working life.
The idea to HealthGoing was born when founder Felicia Provender studied sports science at Karlstad University. Myths, inaccuracies and consumer challenges in assessing the reliability of various health advice triggered her interest in lowering the threshold for reliable health information. The result was HealthGoing, whose concept is based on delivering quality-assured information about diet, exercise and health.
Platform unites customers and advisers
The company's digital platform offers knowledge, inspiration and concrete guidance. The latter category consists of the matching service and booking system "Professionals", where consumers can purchase services directly or be "matched" with advisers who have been quality assured by HealthGoing.
- We want to highlight serious advisers who can provide guidance in the jungle of health information. HealthGoing is the actor that makes a serious review of these, so that consumers don't have to, says Felicia Provender.
She says that a topic that is currently trending is anti-inflammatory diet, for which science so far does not provide any convincing support. However, there are companies that feed on niches like these, and sell products and books around claims that lack evidence.

Through their collaboration, Jeanette Köster (Preactly) and Felicia Provender (HealthGoing) can offer a joint wellness package for business customers. Both Värmland startup companies have also received support from DigitalWell Innovationssupport.
HealthGoing has previously targeted private individuals and advisors, but is now opening in collaboration with another Värmland startup, Preactly, up for business customers who want to receive health support. Preactly's digital HR and health tools are based on research-based question modules that provide employees with insights and knowledge. The service sees the health issue from a holistic perspective and assumes that the cause of ill health in working life is often complex and is not solely due to factors directly linked to the job.
Health care at a distance
Together, Preactly and HealthGoing offer a modern wellness package. With the help of Preactly's digital tools, the employees can initially carry out pedagogically designed lifestyle tests, which give each employee insight into their situation. At group level, knowledge-enhancing training in physical health and lifestyle choices is then given. Finally, each employee is offered personal support in the form of individual consultation with a health advisor connected to HealthGoing. Everything happens online, which enables organizations to prioritize wellness work even for staff who work remotely.
According to Jeanette Köster, CEO of Preactly, the offer creates opportunities to reach target groups that the wellness grant otherwise risks missing:
- The risk is that it will mostly be a salary benefit for those who still exercise, that money will be put on gym cards that are not used and that those who would most need a lifestyle change will not get there.
Supported by DigitalWell Arena
Both HealthGoing and Preactly have received support via DigitalWell Innovationssupport. For example, HealthGoing has recently had its digital platform reviewed by Nordic Medtest, to ensure both safety and functional aspects. Among other things, this has resulted in content being moved to Swedish servers and in-depth work to ensure that all aspects of the GDPR are met.
- Nordic Medtest went through and tested everything very thoroughly, even things that I might not have thought a user would do on the platform. For us as a serious operator, it is important that the service feels sustainable all the way through. It gives a stamp of quality that many startups in our phase don't otherwise get the opportunity to, says Felicia Provender.