Researchers at CTF, Center for Service Research at Karlstad University, will over the next two years investigate how IoT can be used to create a better school environment and strengthen students' health. The project is carried out in collaboration with several actors and is based on a new junior high school in Arvika municipality.
The focus of the project is how IoT can be used to measure the health of children and young people at school. Measurements that today are made with the help of conversations and surveys.
- We must bring together the technical possibilities that IoT brings with the wishes of student health, while at the same time monitoring the privacy issue. The goal is to try to map what data the future system can deliver and how this can help student health to create value and well-being for the students, says project leader Erik Wästlund, associate professor of psychology.
Computer science and nursing at Karlstad University are also involved in the project, which is carried out in collaboration with Arvika municipality, DigitalWell Arena, Swegon, Serneke and Scaaler IoT Labs.
- Mental illness among children and young people is increasing and school is a contributing factor. In the project, CTF, and other actors, can test how IoT technology can be used to verify that students are in a good physical and psychosocial school environment and facilitate the implementation of measures in case of deviant values, says Christian Persman, development manager Arvika municipality.

Measuring physical activity and health using new technology is common among adults and has been researched a great deal within, among others by CTF.
- This is not how it looks when it comes to measuring health linked to study environment or study performance. Here we hope to be able to participate and contribute - both to an increased benefit to society but also to the scientific literature, says Erik Wästlund.
- This project is a result of CTF's and Karlstad University's work within the Academy for Smart Specialization and DigitalWell Arena where research, innovation and education are connected with the aim of strengthening Värmland's business life and public sector, concludes Erik Wästlund.
Author: Linda Fridberg, Karlstad University
Read more about the project: New school test environment for technology to prevent ill health