Innovation monitoring
An opportunity to undemandingly bring the worlds of the public sector and startups a little closer together.
Here you can take part in material and news about how the work within DigitalWell Arena is developing. Also read about new partial ventures and collaborations.
An opportunity to undemandingly bring the worlds of the public sector and startups a little closer together.
I Storbritannien utvärderas sedan 2021 hälsoapplikationer genom ett nationellt ramverk för kvalitetssäkring. I Sverige saknas ett sådant enhetligt system, vilket bromsar implementeringen av digitala hälsotjänster.
De hände mycket i DigitalWell Arenas ekosystem mellan den 12 och 13 juni. Som en del av att vi delade ut vår utmärkelse DigitalWell Award
Here you can take part in news and inspiring examples from other parts of Sweden and the world. This section also presents information on current calls for proposals.
If you have questions, input or you are you interested in joining.
The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.