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    Curious about what's going on?

    Take part in news in the world of research, events, global coverage, opinions and how we work together to develop the digital health and welfare services of the future.


    What happens on the trip?

    Here you can take part in material and news about how the work within DigitalWell Arena is developing. Also read about new partial ventures and collaborations.

    New meetings that lead to better health

    Take part in events both inside and outside DigitalWell Arena that lead to new meetings, inspiration and knowledge.

    Latest posts

    Research that supports new health services

    Here you will find news and in-depth information on research into digital health services.

    Thoughts from inside the Arena

    Here we collect thoughts, opinions and experiences from DigitalWell Arena's players and other inspiring people.

    Impressions from a healthier environment

    Here you can take part in news and inspiring examples from other parts of Sweden and the world. This section also presents information on current calls for proposals.



    The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.