The very first edition of the YH training course "Digitalization leader in the welfare sector" will soon end. Already in November, the course starts for the next group of students and you can register until October 16.
In October, the first students finish the newly started education. The aim is to provide professionals in healthcare with specialized knowledge of how digitization and welfare technology can create new opportunities. The participants have, among other things, studied project management, ethics as well as welfare technology and legislation. All elements are well anchored in the regular work that the participants carry out in parallel with their studies. The training is designed to provide a strong theoretical foundation, while the practical part provides the opportunity to test concrete digital tools in the business.
- Throughout, the lectures have been very rewarding and interesting. Good and knowledgeable lecturers have explained in an educational and simple way. Most of us participants were relatively new to what we learned, says Helena Norlin, head of unit within Region Värmland who is one of the course participants.
Pass knowledge on in the organization
During the training, the participants have developed their skills in digitalisation, welfare technology and technical tools and aids. Among other things, the course in legislation, ethics, risk assessment and security has given the students security in what they have to deal with in the use of technology and digital solutions. Since the training is anchored with managers right from the start and involves several parts of the organization, the new knowledge the participants gain is also spread to the entire workplace.
– The biggest advantage of the training is that it gives you opportunities to look at the solutions that exist and try them out in your own business. In that way, we can find new ways forward, while at the same time it strengthens the participants in leading the change work in their own business, says Marie Granander, Process Manager in DigitalWell Arena.

Arvika's municipal director Hans Karlsson welcomed the students to the new YH training in November last year. It is now possible to search for the second edition of "Digitalisation leaders in the welfare sector".
Data and digital tools have great potential to create increased capacity and quality in healthcare. But in order for businesses to be able to apply these effectively, the digital competence in workplaces needs to be increased. The training is therefore aimed at individuals working in healthcare who have an interest in the opportunities that digitization can offer their own business.
The training is read at half speed (60 percent) and runs between December 2022 and June 2023, partly at a distance and with three physical meetings in Arvika and Karlstad.
Practical experience gives insight
One of the strengths of the education is the practical anchoring, believes Marie Granander:
– When you get to do things for real, real insight is created. The training offers a unique opportunity to both gain an increased knowledge of what opportunities technology provides and what laws and regulations you have to deal with, while also getting to interact with companies and test innovative solutions.
- The course "Digitalization leader in welfare" is given by the University of Applied Sciences in Arvika and is a collaboration between DigitalWell Arena, Arvika Näringslivscentrum, Arvika municipality, Karlstad municipality, Hammarö municipality and Region Värmland.
Read more about the training and apply on the Arvika Business Center website.