At a secondary school in Arvika, data about the learning environment is now collected via IoT technology. The hope is that it will give rise to both new working methods and services that create a healthier school environment.
The aim of the project "IoT in school for everyone" is that the application of IoT technology should be able to contribute to methods to strengthen students' health, and thereby increase learning. Arvika municipality is the principal for the two-year investment and DigitalWell Arena, Karlstad University, Swegon, Serneke and Scaaler IoT-Labs also participate in the project.
After a project start where the pandemic made the building unavailable for testing, a number of sensors are now in place in Minnebergskolan. Right now, four companies (Sensative, Akkr8, Seven Twenty degrees and Swegon) contribute to collecting data about the physical school environment. This concerns, for example, air quality, temperature and which premises are empty or occupied.
- We collect a lot of data to be able to control our indoor climate in a good way. But we also collect data that we think others can benefit from, but that we don't really know how to use, says Carl-Ola Danielsson, development manager at Swegon in Arvika.
Combined data can provide new insights
In some cases, the data has a direct connection to health, but by combining different types of data, you could also gain completely new insights. For example, how air quality or noise affects students' study results. In a first step, the project's goal is to create a common platform for different actors that provides experiences to build on. In the long term, the hope is that the data collected will give the school new insights for the health promotion work, while it can also form a basis for entrepreneurs to develop new services.

Carl-Ola Danielsson, Swegon, in conversation with Erik Wästlund, CTF, who coordinates the research in the project. In the background one of the sensors that is now collecting data about the school.

A picture from the SuperWISE that is installed at Minnebergsskolan. Swegon measures temperatures and presence in all halls and some selected halls are also supplemented with air quality sensors, which provide information on CO2 and volatile organic compounds. All data is collected in the cloud and can be retrieved through an API as a basis for those who want to build applications.
In parallel with companies being invited to the test environment, researchers at CTF, the Center for Service Research at Karlstad University, conduct surveys with both school staff and students. The answers should contribute to providing a deeper understanding of what characterizes a good and healthy school environment, which is adapted for learning.
Want to know more about movement patterns
A challenge that the school management has already identified concerns, for example, overcrowding. Here, data could be a part of developing new methods and working methods to improve the work and study environment.
- It's about how students move in the buildings, when they get to the dining hall and where and when does it get crowded? Congestion can also be a source of potential conflicts and stress, says Christian Persman, project manager for the IoT project and development manager for Arvika's schools.

Andreas Svensson, one of the architects behind the Minneberg School, talks with the project leaders Christian Persman and Marika Martin.
About the project
The project "IoT in school for everyone" is financed by Vinnova and runs throughout 2022. Companies interested in testing IoT technology in schools are still welcome to get in touch.
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