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    Digital platform for good forces to reduce loneliness among the elderly offers a digital platform to map, organize and increase the power of social networks. The service is currently being used in a Norwegian project to reduce loneliness among the elderly.

    With its entry into DigitalWell Venture's accelerator program, hopes to be able to export a Norwegian philosophy of life. The expression "hard work" means that you roll up your sleeves and help each other, which is the basis of all non-profit work.

    - Diligence is the most Norwegian word you can think of. We are trying to digitize the idea of volunteering and make the world better in a smarter and more efficient way, says Geir Falkenberg, who founded the company. one participates in one project which is run by HelseINN to reduce loneliness among the elderly in 19 Norwegian municipalities. Their digital platform maps the elderly's social network and perceived loneliness. Via an app, various volunteer efforts can then be mobilized and organized as needed.

    Need to reach the individuals 

    According to Geir Falkenberg, the harmful effects of a lack of social networks are well documented on a national level, but to be able to help individuals, it is not enough.

    - If you ask a municipality today how many of their elderly are alone, they do not have such data. Knowledge of it an important part of this project, says Geir Falkenberg.

    He also believes that a large part of traditional care is aimed directly at the individual, which means that the value of social networks is often overlooked. In other words, companionship for going out for walks after hip surgery can be as important as the procedure itself.

    - We can map who really needs more activities and people around them, so they don't become passive and lonely. Corona has shown an increased need and the public sector cannot solve this challenge on its own, says Tone Bjørnov, chairman of the board of

    "A lot of welfare technology risks reducing contact between people - we use technology to increase contact."

    Geir Falkenberg, founder of

    The app, which is the tool for the people in the networks who carry out various efforts, can itself be part of the solution. Together with the municipality of Oslo, is looking at how a rapidly growing group of "young" pensioners can be involved as volunteers.

    - They must be activated and are a potentially important resource, but if they are not used, many instead risk suffering from loneliness themselves, says Geir Falkenberg.

    Fills voids is a license-based service and is primarily aimed at municipalities and voluntary organisations. Geir Falkenberg believes that the platform can solve many challenges at the intersection between professional and voluntary efforts.

    - Organizing the unorganized is more demanding than organizing a company. It often becomes very ad hoc, unstructured and difficult with reporting on what has been carried out. Here we can give precise instructions in the app about what to do with the date, time and location - and send a thank you afterwards! I also believe that greater value should be placed on the voluntary efforts carried out in society, says Geir Falkenberg.

    Can demonstrate the value of voluntary efforts can show the value of the non-profit work in an individual organization. Overall, the value of all voluntary efforts carried out in Norway is estimated at around SEK 80 billion annually, but more precise data on how well a society's social safety net works is also important for the public. The company has therefore received support from Innovasjon Norge to further develop the service.

    The platform is adaptable and can be used in a range of contexts, where social networks and volunteering play a central role. From environmental organizations to sports associations. The strong focus on health is rooted in Geir Falkenberg's own background as a sociologist, which has led him to think about how digital health services affect human contacts.

    - A lot of welfare technology risks reducing contact between people - we use technology to increase contacts, he says.

    Global need is also involved in an Indian venture, You can free us, to help young girls out of prostitution. The need to increase the power of social networks is global, believes Geir Falkenberg. A big reason why the company joined the DigitalWell Ventures accelerator is the access to expertise and networks that make it possible to reach an international market, where Sweden is closest at hand.

    - If we could carry out the same activities to reduce loneliness among the elderly on both sides of the border, they would be very interesting. Therefore, we would be happy to test willingness to do tests in collaboration with Swedish municipalities, says Geir Falkenberg.



    The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.