During the autumn, you are welcome to five TechWalks together with exciting guests. First up is Technigo, which since its inception in 2016 has worked with innovative education in digitization and IT.

They have succeeded in what many of us, who want to see greater diversity in the industry, fail to do. Hear them tell you how they have done it, and how they are working to attract more people to become interested in a future in the tech industry.
Technigo runs training courses for career changers to reduce the skills shortage in IT. They are hired by companies with the goal of increasing the skills of employees so that more people can contribute to innovation and digital projects. Among the customers are IKEA, Nordea, Bonnier News, Claremont, Schibsted and more.
Which skills and tech areas do we see the strongest demand for right now? And how can we think and act to attract more people to train in them? Ask your questions to Technigo.
Welcome to join the autumn's first TechWalk, wherever you are!
Here you can read more about Compare's collaboration with Technigo in "The Digital Migration", where we will train 100 people in Värmland in in-demand areas within digital.

So-called "Walk and Talks", or walking meetings, have become a popular way to move more during the working day, and at the same time bring about more efficient and creative meetings. It means both fresh air and movement, and it stimulates new thoughts and ideas that might not arise otherwise. That's exactly what the purpose of our TechWalks is - that you get a new idea or food for thought about the latest trends in tech. You of course choose the place for your TechWalks yourself, as they are completely digital. The time is 12.30-13.00, so you have time to eat your lunch in peace and quiet before we start. No registration is required.
Do you want to discuss what is covered at TechWalk? Welcome in The Facebook group!
We look forward to an exciting autumn together with you!
WHEN: Tuesday 28 September at 12.30-13.00
WHERE: Online via Zoom - you connect here
FOR WHOM: For everyone who is interested in the possibilities of digitization.
REGISTRATION: No registration is required.
Book the autumn meetings in the calendar!
- September 28
- October 12
- November 2
- November 23
- December 14