How can we strengthen the individual's independence with the help of digital welfare technology? In a live panel discussion at Vitalis, the DigitalWell Arena brings together representatives from the public sector, business and academia to discuss needs, opportunities and challenges.
Karlstad Municipality is one of SKR's model municipalities investing in strengthening the use of digital welfare services in elderly care. Stjärnhuset is an example of that, a safe housing where the focus is on increasing the users' independence with the help of digital welfare technology. This is done, among other things, by the accommodation maintaining a high technical standard right from the start, while at the same time there is an ambition to develop and test new welfare services. The investment also means that knowledge about technical solutions is spread to the elderly who continue to live at home. Region Värmland also invests in developing good, close and coordinated care that strengthens the individual's health. In Filipstad, for example, the municipality and region work together to strengthen the entire community.
Great challenge for welfare
Although the users' needs are at the center, there is also a need to develop new solutions in the public sector. In Karlstad municipality, the proportion of residents over 80 will have increased by 40 percent by 2028, while the proportion of working age will only increase by just over eight percent.
Many municipalities now face the challenge of getting welfare resources to:
- We will work with hands where they are most needed and supplement with technology where it can be used. Working with technology is not a one-sided perspective, but can bring benefits to everyone. With technology and new smart aids, the individual gets increased conditions for independence and independence, which in turn gives increased health and shifted care needs, says Ann-Sophie Gustafsson, development manager in Karlstad Municipality.
The work coincides with the state's investment in close care. In the settlement signed between the state and SKR, SEK 2,409 million is allocated to the regions and SEK 750 million to the municipalities. The funds can be used, among other things, to improve accessibility and participation for patients and relatives, as well as health promotion and prevention work.
The innovative power of business is important
In order to increase the pace of innovation, the competence of business is also needed. Participating in the conversation is Toste Junestrand, CEO of Wellbee, whose digital service supports people with cognitive impairment. The service was developed after a needs-driven work initiated by Karlstad municipality.
- Karlstad's way of working to solve their needs was decisive for the creation of the app. They had done an excellent needs investigation and a requirements specification about what was good and not good with the products that were already on the market, says Toste Junestrand.
Mats Mägiste, Head of Emerging technologies at TeliaCompany, is also present to give a picture of the challenges Telia sees in order for business to play an even more active role in the development of our digital welfare.
5G can increase accessibility
At Karlstad University, a test bed for 5G is also under construction. Stefan Alfredsson, university lecturer and researcher in computer science, talks about the role the new technology can play in the development of digital health and welfare services. The significantly higher capacity means, among other things, that you can divide the broadband, so-called slicing, to guarantee space for important communication. For example, it creates opportunities for remote surgery, which increases the availability of cutting-edge expertise regardless of where in the country you are.