Digital nomads, migration from the big cities and local investments to attract tech talent. At the last Compare lunch of the spring, we have invited Ann-Therése Enarsson, CEO of the think tank Futurion. She shares the most important signals and trends from their new report that shows how we view working and living in the future - from Sweden and the rest of the world.

Several large organizations such as Twitter and Spotify now assume that their employees can choose how and from where they want to work after the pandemic. So how will we work, recruit and live in the future? These are highly topical questions that many employers and employees are thinking about right now.
The think tankFuturionsince it was founded, has focused on the future of working life and what technological development means for how we will work. The focus has primarily been on automation and the need for skills development. In their new report Moving patterns in a changed working life, they have asked The Remote Labto draw out the brush strokes around remote work and what it may mean in the future. During lunch, Ann-Therése Enarsson talks about the most important signals and trends - from Sweden and the rest of the world - that point to a more distance-independent working life in the future.
- A distance-independent working life means an increased degree of freedom, but is not a possibility for all work groups. Another aspect is about power and influence. Today we have trade unions that ensure good conditions. We need to discuss how it should work in a future where the labor market is increasingly both global and digital, says Ann-Therése.
The purpose of the report is to give employers and organizations an insight into ongoing events and trends that show how we view living and working in the future, which affects both working methods, recruitment and developing employees, but also the role of values and commitment for the company's vision and mission will play.
Together with representatives from companies in Värmland, Karlstad municipality and Compare, we discuss how this may affect us as people, companies and society - not least for the digital sector in Värmland.
Included in the panel are:
Ann-Therése Enarsson, CEO of the think tank Futurion
Kristina Lindroos, founder New in Värmland
Maria Starrin, business developer, Karlstad municipality
Josephine Shapiro, project manager "The digital movement", Compare
What are you thinking about when it comes to the way we work, recruit and live in the future? Take the opportunity to ask your questions during lunch and share your thoughts about this.
Here you can read more about Futurion and the report
Read more about The Remote Lab here
For anyone interested in networking and current topics around digital development and innovation.
Friday 21 May at 11.45-13.00
The program starts at 12.00
Digital participation via Zoom, you will find the connection link in your confirmation.
The meeting is free of charge.
Warm welcome!