“Digital Health, Wellbeing and Smart Specialization”
On November 18, a webinar on digital health and smart specialization is organized by the AER, Assembly of European Regions. Speakers from Värmland and Scotland share their experiences - among other things, Magnus Bårdén, managing director of DigitalWell Aerna, talks about how to build an ecosystem that leads to new, digital health services.
The aim is for the two regions to share their different experiences regarding how to support the development of digital health services and create collaborations between the public sector, academia, business and civil society.
The seminar will also discuss how digital health services can contribute to growth in business and increased efficiency in healthcare, as well as how innovation around digital health services fits into the regions' strategies for smart specialization.
From Värmland also participates Magnus Bårdén also Anders Olsson, strategist for innovation and research at Region Värmland.
From Scotland, among others, a professor participates George Crooks, Chief Executive, Digital Health & Care Innovation Center and Linda Murray, Head of Strategy, Scottish Enterprise.
The seminar ends with a question and answer session and discussion.