Together with the author Susanna Heli, DigitalWell Arena is working on developing an app based on the book "Föda uttan Rädsla". The application should offer tools for early labor at home.

What tools do you as a partner wish you had had before the early labor stage?
What tools/functions did you, as a new parent, wish you had had before your birth?
We now invite you who are a new parent and you who have been a support person (partner, friend, family member) during a birth to share your experiences and thoughts about a digital solution like this. We would like to see that you who participate have experience of early labor at home for at least four hours.
We meet digitally, where together we further develop and provide feedback on the proposal that has been developed, with the aim that more people will have the opportunity to experience a safe childbirth.
No geographic restriction
In order to participate in the workshop, you need a working email address, access to a good connection, speakers and microphone. No special prior knowledge is required to participate. As this is a digital gathering, there are no restrictions on where you are geographically.
You are invited via two links that we email you after registering for the workshop.
Place: Digitally
When: Wednesday, April 22 at 14.00-15.30
Maximum number of participants: 15 people