What happens when we structure creativity?
The project DigitalwellandCompare invites you to a collaborative sprint, where we develop solutions for two ongoing cases in parallel during half a day (08:00-12:15). You will receive try different techniques in brainstorming and idea generation as well take part in the new innovation tool NextApp. We use the tool in collaboration with CGI and together we test it during this sprint. After this, we will start developing prototypes (read more about Prototype & Test-Lab below). Come and be challenged!
What should we do?
We will divide the participants into two groups and rooms, one of which will start by working on idea generation for the case Finding the Right and the other for Digital Change Support. We will carry out some exercises in these rooms, and at the same time fill the digital innovation tool. After a short coffee break, the groups switch cases and continues with idea generation in the other room.
The two of themthe casewhich we will work with are:
To find the right which is about patients and relatives feeling that it is difficult to find inside the Central Hospital in Karlstad (CSK) and how we can develop a digital supplement to signage, so that everyone can feel safe before their visit? Read more.
Digital change support, Changing one's lifestyle to become more healthy, and where physical activity is a natural part of everyday life, is not always easy. How can we support and motivate the individuals who have a greater need to implement this change in their lives? Read more.
What happens to the ideas?
After this one sprint will we evaluate ideasNah together with Region Värmland and Health Care in Värmland. We will then communicate out the ideas which perceived to have the greatest potential, infront of Prototype & Test Lab.
Prototype & Test Lab
The 16 – 18 September, we open up the Prototyp & Test Lab at Innovation Park, where there is an opportunity to att work with simpler prototypes/mock ups during the morningone and then test these on users during the afternoon. The lab is open to all and is free. Read more and sign up for Prototyp & Test Lab here.