Suppliers who qualify for the prototype phase are expected to produce a prototype of a product/service or a so-called MVP, which stands for Minimum Viable Product, over a somewhat longer period of time. An MVP is a simple form of the solution with the most important functions and which gives a feeling of how the final product will work.
In the case "Experience my reality", the prototype phase was 8 weeks long. Three suppliers participated in the prototype phase and were compensated with SEK 50,000 (approx. €5,000) each.
The suppliers themselves were responsible for the planning and implementation of the prototype phase. Which meant that they could follow their own development processes. In practice, they could plan, for example, workshops with the need owners and development sprints that suited their solution's development process.
The process also included coaching with business developers from the DigitalWell GovTech Incubator every two weeks, and the companies had the opportunity to receive additional business development support if they wished.
Instead of selecting the best one, they used an evaluation model which meant that they discarded those who did not have the conditions to take the solution further to the market. One can speak of a "reversed" assessment.
As, for example, when assessing price, the goal was not to choose the cheapest solution, instead a solution was sdiscarded if it is wasn't considered to have the potential to be cost-efficient over time.
A 0-2 scale was used; in which 0 = failed, 1 = associated with some degree of risk, 2 = passed.
Feasibility - The solution must be possible to put into operation within given time frames.
Integrability - Works well in existing or desired ways of working and is easy to integrate into both technical and operational architecture. Several people can share the same experience at the same time. Easy to use and administer.
Cost - Assessment of cost-efficiency over time both for a first customer and in the market. Costs to administer, manage and use in the business. Also costs for any hardware, new content, etc.
Content/Scenarios - Concept, and ability to produce new scenarios over time.
Developability Technical, organizational and competence-based ability to develop the solution with new functions/values over time.
Manageability The manageability of the solution including the supplier's ability to own, manage and operate the service/solution.
Engaging - Potential to engage the target audience emotionally. Contribute to a better understanding of the situation of those concerned. "The Goosebumps Factor".
Scaling potential/Uniqueness - Assessment of demand and willingness to pay in the market linked to the solution, as well as the uniqueness of the solution (Market penetration potential). The solution's potential to scale in the market.
The supplier's maturity level was again evaluated according to the KTH Innovation Readiness Levels. Threshold values were set for the Customer, Team, Business, Sustainability and Funding scales.
The DigitalWell GovTech Incubator assisted with business development support to support the providers in achieving the required levels of maturity.
See more information about the respective maturity level at:
Customer Readiness Level 5 - Contact with customers and notes from customer discovery calls. At least two customers other than Karlstad, including at least one "own" identified customer. Describe who are the target customers/segments for the solution.
Team Readiness Level 6 – (Evaluated in the concept phase, hence no further assessment during the MVP phase)
Business Readiness Level 4 - Lean Canvas is supplemented with numbers, prediction based on assumption of market share.
Sustainability Readiness Level 5 – Validate assumptions about the positive and negative impact of the solution and the deal together with customers (see CRL5).
Funding Readiness Level 4 - Written presentation, e.g. PPT, web, etc., of business plans. Simple, linked to sustainability aspects (SRL) that can also be used in communication. Simple financing plan (12-18 months). Connects to BRL as above.
If you have questions, input or you are you interested in joining.
The regional project DigitalWell is financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund. The purpose of DigitalWell is that we will together develop digital solutions for needs in welfare with the user's own abilities in focus.